Tuesday, November 4, 2008

After the Weekend...

As all of you... Scratch that... As you can tell Kiwi, I haven't been able to update my blog as of late. I had a very busy weekend, and the few opportunities I had to write, I wasn't up for the time or effort it would take to write a new post. So, allow me to catch you up.

Friday night actually went pretty well. I watched Heroes, finished and caught the earlier bus home, which worked out LOADS better for me. This way, I got home like an hour earlier than I expected, and actually had time to rest before leaving again. I didn't feel like putzing with the busses (sorry 12... you know I love you), so I up and texted Catherine, to tell Steve to pick Andrew and I up. My mom got home just before I was about to leave, which was good because I wanted to talk to her quickly before I left, but was bad because when she starts talking... it takes her quite a while to stop talking. that's why I hardly ever ask her any questions, because I fear the answers length (please, no jokes about me being long winded in my blog... ). But, I did find out that she took my ipod to the Apple Store at Bayshore. They checked it out with all of there surgical equipment, but the doctor came back with his head down, and a solemn look on his face. It couldn't be saved. It flat-lined, and they took down it's time of death. The music swelled. But then I left, we got to Kiwi's relatively on time, and started the movies on schedule. We watched the first one, and although we were 'watching it', we talked a lot. It was still better than a few other movies we've tried watching in the past. Once that ended we headed over to Pick N' Save. We all pitched in for some food (W00T). Pizza, tattor-tots (which I know now are one of the few things Steve loves in this world), chicken nuggets and strips (all of which were on sale. Let's hear it for I.Q.s over 36!). We also took a lot of buy two get one free Amp coupons... a lot. Once we finally left, we went to Smerz's grandparents house because they was/still is out of town, and have a pimp as big screen tv. The house itself was pretty ballin' as well. So then we made the food and started the second movie. That movie was... varying degrees of bad... So we all chatted on how we could make it an actually good movie, just by tweaking little by little. I doubt we'll ever make it because 1. We're all really unorganized when it comes to filming en masse, and 2. We don't have access to the house...Then we started the 3rd movie, which, if we had 3D glasses would have popped out at us (yes, all of the lame parts were 3D. Like 'look over theeeeerrrreeee' Oh my God 3D 3D!!!) But we sorta stopped watching at that point. The movie was almost over and it was close to 11 anyways (Catherine had to go home because all teenage guys are walking talking penis' and Mrs. Eiffler doesn't want to take care of any snotty little grandkids (she doesn't even want to take care of her preexisting children...)) That, and Jake called... He was off of work and at Kiwi's, so we left Smerz's, and went back to Kiwi's. We started the 4th movie, which keep in mind looked like a Hallmark channel movie.. except without all of the tears and touching story plots. It was here however that we met our newest coolest friend Aaron (he's awesome). From there... we pretty well stopped watching movies. B-gad came over, which was random (it was 12 or later) but it was cool. I haven't seen him in awhile. Shortly after, Steve gave Andrew and I a ride home.

Saturday I worked which was boring. I sat at greeter for Becca while she left to get stuff for school (keep in mind she was still on the clock. I love my job...) I did feel bad for her though, she was having all kinds of problems with Jimmy John's... But then I left, went home, and left again to go to Kiwi's. I got there later than I wanted, but Smerz was even later, so I was all good. We watched a few episodes of the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror. I feel asleep somewhere around the 4th or 5th episode. When everybody was leaving they woke me up... I was in a half asleep half awake daze, but I do remember cursing alot at someone.. oh well, (see title) they probably had it coming.

On Sun I went to Elkhorn to my Grandmas memorial service. It was an all day affair, but I did get to see family I have not seen in years. I also say a lot of people I was supposed to know but didn't... There isn't much to talk about for Sunday, it wasn't that exciting. One thing worth mentioning, is on the way to picking up my great uncle from the air port, I picked up my brand new shiny FREE ipod (thank God for warranties...). The only down side to that, is I've gotta refill the entire thing, and a lot of the music on the old ipod, I no longer have... it's like happay and sad face all at the same time...

There's more to talk about for Monday. Monday is the day of my Grandma's actual funeral. We thought we were gonna be late because on the way there, we got a little lost after trying to dodge heavy traffic and like 3 car accidents... Nevertheless we got there about half an hour early. Most of the family was there, but some people arrived later than we did. It was a nice service. It made me think a little. Just being in a church made me think. I consider myself to be a semi-religious person, but that just made me analyze it all a bit deeper. I tried my best, and I did hold off until the end, but I did tear up. I sorta lost it when it came to family and friends going up to improve speaking. Most of them were already crying, so, it just made me. Kinda like when people are laughing, you can't help but to laugh with them. After the service we had lunch right next door. Fried chicken... mmmmmmmm... we ate our sorrows away. Around 1:30, we all left to go to the cemetery. It was a pretty basic burial (she was cremated) so it really didn't take long at all. We said our good-byes and we left. When I got home, I finished some homework I'd been neglecting and other random work I myself wanted to get done (I've lost so much of my leisurely creative time...). My mom and I ended up going to see a movie because we had 4$ movie coupons. I treated her to the movie. I knew she was stressed after all of this, and figured she could use a break. She say "The Secret Life of Bees" and I went to see "Zack and Miri Make a Porno", possibly the dirtiest movie of the year. I went to see it because I knew that night would probably be the only time I'd get to see it, even if I wasn't quite in the mood for it at that time... It was okay. It's hard to give it a correct analysis because I had so many ideas for it going in. I mean Kevin Smith and Seth Rogen. It should be a dirty work of comedy gold... but it wasn't really funny. Nor was it all that exciting. Don't get me wrong, it was entertaining enough, but it seemed more like an attempt by Kevin Smith to humanize the porn industry to justify his own mad obsession with it... Some of the character seemed out of place because it was like he was subconsciously still trying to make a New Jersey film. Nevertheless, the plot was overall pretty heart warming, which is to be expected in any Smith movie. I don't know if I'd ever but it, but it's definitely worth a watch. However, in hind sight, the movie could have been better had I gone with other people... seeing it alone just made me feel lonely. I think my twisted minded friends could have brought something more out of it. Well, that just about brings yo up to today. I'm pretty tired of typing now so I'll leave todays events for tomorrows post (yes, I can do that. In my blog, I am like God. I have the power!!!)

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

thanks for the twisted minded friends comment! good to hear you arent dead as your previous entry implied. i had a third thing, but i forgot what it was, i think it was either about tater-tots or your i-pod so i'll just mention both.