Monday, November 10, 2008

Ah boo...

Fuck my blog... I really don't feel like typing this right now... I'm just really lazy, and I have art in about half an hour... The only reason I am typing it is because I know if I don't, I'll get behind, and inevitably forgot a lot of small details to put in... So I'm gonna try and make this snappy.

I got home last night a bit late, but it was cool. I took a shower and ate some left over spaghetti. After that, I put in March of the Penguins. Now, my original plans were to finish my art homework while the movie was on... but as soon as I started the movie, I was hooked. I was in my jammys, I snuggled in my blankys and I was captivated. That movie was FASCINATING... I don't know if it was because those little animals are so cute or it's because of Morgan Freeman's soothing God-like voice, but I couldn't stop watching it. Now, I'm a big fan of Pixar movies... I love them to piecese (all of them), but I will admit to giving mad props to Happy Feet... And now having seen "March of the Penguins", I love these little cute flightless birds even more! WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!

I woke up today, about 8, ate a pancake for breakfast, and left to run some errands with my mom. I got my banking done, so I was happy (yeah for having spending money again, and yeah for depositing my $1,400 financial aid check)... I got home around 11, and helped my mom in the garden for a bit. That was really annoying because the ground is all frozen, and I didn't want to be there in the first place. Once I came inside, I ate and then made some enchiladas. Of course, I'm not gonna be home for supper, so I'll have to reheat mine (sad face, I gave up my finger prints for those things... I want em fresh)... So then I finally got around to doing my art homework, while I watched "The Terminal", which is a fantastic movie... Then I came to school and have been bored the rest of the day... Now I've got to go to my art class where I'm sure to find something to bitch about tomorrow. See you then!

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