Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Madness? Madness?!? This is My Blog!!1!

Hoo-hoo! So, my alarm clock didn't go off this morning... it bothered me... but my mom woke me up and gave me a bowl of cereal. After I was done with that, I sat around till 7, got up, and went downstairs. I got dressed and packed my lunch. Then I went back up stairs to get my backpack (I forgot my calculator and clicker... sad face... oh well, not like I'm gonna be doing to much). I walked to the bus stop. I didn't feel to cold, but I did note how much frost there was on the grass... scary. So Nate caught the same bus as me at the park and ride, and Beau's mom drove him to the next park and ride to catch the bus (Rofl...). I read the whole ride there, and when we got on campus, Beau and I naturally went to the union computer lab. One thing to note, he [well, sort of] finally got a Facebook page! Prepare to be spammed in a whole new social media! And after I finished laughing at all of that, I went to physics. It was a pretty dull class, but there were a lot of demos that broke the monotony. I was relatively alive this morning, but I brought an energy drink just in case. Today's was a Full Throttle Blue Demon. This is one of the Cocoa-Cola Company's babies. It doesn't taste all that great though... Kinda like hard candy that's gone past it's prime... But nonetheless, with 141 mg of caffeine, it served it's duty. After class I left to return to the union computer lab. I've got to get caught up with some English papers... but instead I'm chatting on Facebook and writing my blog... Hooray for good decision making! Then later today, I've got math class (HOW THE HELL DID I GET A 7 OUT OF 10 ON MY LAST QUIZ?!?!?! FUCK MY LIFE!!!)... I really don't plan on doing much of anything in math. I'm a bum... Then I've got work tonight (not looking forward to that). What I am looking forward to however is the few hours in between school and work. W00T for Enchiladas!!! (I'm not fat I swear to God! I just really like eating, okay? Is that a problem? You don't like it when I eat so much? Fuck you. Kids are gonna starve in Africa whether or not I eat too much. Get off your high horse you judgemental prick! I'm sorry, you're not. I'm just sensitive... And I'm not fat (at least not physically, mentally, yes... Hell yes)... asshole)

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