Monday, November 17, 2008

A Late Start Pretty Much Means I Won't Do Much All Day...

So, as I said yesterday, and some people already know this by now, I've got a Hell of a late start on Mondays. My first class (Wiki-Nation) starts at 3:30. So, I just sit around my house until then. It's cool because it is one of the only times that I am the only one home (perverts...). So that means I can watch movies downstairs, listen to whatever music I want at my own desired volume. So I popped in the second disc of HIMYM season 1, mainly because I wanted to hear "Shot through the heart, and you're to blame!". As I did that, I ate my brunch and started putzing with my music (I NEED TO PUTS MAI MUZIC ON MAI IPOD BEFOUR I DAI!!!). Then lets see... I "did" my art homework (that class makes me sad face)... Hm... I made myself two tacos... That's about it... Yeah, that's all I did... Then I got the mail, and left. I stood around for the bus for a good half an hour (damn bus). I got to class just on time (not that it really mattered). Now I'm sitting in the union typing this. I'm pretty sure this is the shortest post I've ever written. It's days like this that I question my existence...

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