Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why?... Why?

It seems hardly worth noting anymore, but I'm sitting at work again. I follow a set routine when I waste time on the internet at work. Minimize, maximize, minimize, maximize... It's strenuous, my job is never ending (<---- insert sarcasm here). So, back to buisness. The title. I'm sure you're all wondering "why what? Tell us! Tell us now! For Gods sake why what man!!!". And here's your answer. I bought my very first cell phone about a week ago. It took 4 days to get to my house. It took me another day after getting it to activate it. The very next day after activation... The sceen... goes completely white! I didn't use it for more than a full day before the damn thing broke!!! I couldn't believe it. My brand new phone. My very first phone. Less than a day... thanks God. And I know, it's a pay as you go phone, so they're not meant to be the greatest of the great, but still... two days. Really? So, I called the big bad phone company and had a Hell of a time understanding the person. There was so much going on in the background. There must have been a whole warehouse full of people answering phones and acting cheery... and I could hear them all... But the good news out of all of this... they're sending me a brand new phone free of charge. *sigh* I'll get my new phone in about another 4 days. It works out, but it's a hassle. In other news, I have finished watching season 3 of HIMYM. I made short work of it. (I'm a monster!) I think season 3 did not opperate as well as its predeccesors in individual episodes, but overall it worked very well. There were some nice 'oh snap!' kinda moments. After today, I probably won't see it again for at least four months (people love borrowing my season dvds, rather than buying, or even pirating their own...)


KIWI! said...

seriously, how would you expct me to pirate anything. a 3 min song takes 25 min to download, a whole series!.1.!.!. anyway, thanks for letting me borrow it eventually!

Chris Goepfert said...

Thats pretty unlucky.
What kind of phone was it?

Anonymous said...

You do realize downloading indivual eps in order is a pain in the ass (assuming you actually manage to download high quality ones that work)

-The Don