Thursday, October 9, 2008

Half An Hour Before My Third Quiz

It should come as no big surprise that I'm sitting around in the UWM union. My next class, math, will start in about half an hour, where I will take my third quiz of the day (see title). So, I felt I need to comment on an event going on here at the union. The LGBT (lesbian gay bisexual trans gender) organization is hosting "coming out week". Now, let me start by saying, I personally have no real problems with homosexuality. I think that if that's what will make them happy, that's fine, everyone deserves that right. I people who are gay, I've got friends who are gay. Hell, I even have a friend who likes goats (Sorry Jake, I kid because I care). But a whole week? Why can't people come out whenever they damn well feel like it? I think naming a week for a relatively simple action is ridiculous. I mean, if I were, which I'm not, not that there's anything wrong with that, gay, I wouldn't think to myself on Tues., maybe I should come out... no... I'll wait till later in the week, because I've got this whole week set aside for me, and if I miss it, I'll just have to wait till next year... Personally, I find coming out week to be stupid.

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