Monday, October 6, 2008

Still Moving After the Weekend

First, let me update you with what I was alluding to last Fri.. My girlfriend of the past year and a half and I decided it best if we put our relationship on hold. There was just somehitn about the now four hour distance between us. (I'm attending UWM, and she's now attending UW Eau Claire) True to form people have lived through much worse, and done whatever they could to make it survive, this complete change took us by complete suprise. (both the distance and this whiole 'college life') We'll of course still keep in touch and will talk more in depth about us when she comes back for the holidays. I'll just have to wait and see how this whole thing plays out. I know it will all work out in the end. I at least have faith in that...

Besides that, my life is pretty slow. I had to work a majority of this weekend, which is the main reason I was unable to catch up with friends. Work was dull as always, weekends can be quiet slow. Nevertheles, I got paid for it, so I can't complain too much. I don't think I even did anything when I got home on Sat., but Sun. I got home, watched Clerks 2 and finished my art homework (due in about... half an hour. Yes! I'm actually ahead of my schoolwork!!!)

That's about all for now, until next time... (Who am I kidding? I'll get bored inbetween classes tomorrow and write another damn post...)

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