Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Day's Almost Over

First, let me start by saying: I'm obsessed with this song! It's practically been stuck in my head since it hit the radio. I can't get enough of it. It's like crack in my veins!!!

Anyways, hi! Here's what's up: I woke up today at 9:30-ish, ate, finished some stuffs, then got ready to leave. I made myself a grilled cheese with a slice of tomato in it (don't mock it until you try it). I left my house around 11:35-ish to drop a few things in the mail, then catch my bus at 11:44. The bus was late and came a little after 12, which compared to most U buses is pretty significant amount of time. So, I was 5 or 10 min. late to my first class (Physics lab, yhuck!) Well, after that was done, I had a good hour and a half to waist before my next class. I waisted a lot of time on the lollernet in the Union. At about 3:15, I left the union to go to class. Today's wiki class was... interesting. We had a review in a game of sorts format. The game itself wasn't all that fun or complex (or much of a game). But my team 'won' and we got to play a lot of youtube videos (You need that wooo wooo!). Now I'm waiting till my art class, which I'm not looking forward to, and am probably going to not do much and leave a little early. You gotta do what you gotta do... Tomorrow will be nice because my day is down by 2, and I don't have work or anything, but my classes tomorrow actually involve me paying attention.

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