Tuesday, October 14, 2008

*Slowly Contemplates What a Good Title Would Be...*

So, let me start off by saying this morning was UNBEARIBLE! I had a hard time falling to sleep, and staying asleep. From the time I laid down to the time I woke up, I probably got a good 3 or 4 hours... and those hours weren't all that great either. So Physics this mornig really sucked. I hope I wrote down all the stuffs I was suppossed to because I've got a test coming up soon. After I got out. I tried to catch a few z's in the union. It didn't work too well... Math a few hours later was easy enough. As soon as I got out of there you best believe I ran to the bus stop. Get Me Outta' Here!!! So I went home. When I got home, I picked up the mail and let myself in. Not too much of importance, except I did get my new phone. I'm still having grief, but at least this one works. I also got a call from a friend with connections, who is getting me into the Matisyahu/ Flobots concertI had Mac N' Cheese for supper. It was delicious. Then I went to work which was same old, same old. There was a lot of hollabaloo around me, but it didn't concern me. So I ignored it for the most part. Work's almost over, and Jake is now talking to me. So, I plan on racing home after I get out of here. I need a shower, and to die on my bed.

1 comment:

Kara said...

I thought it was pretty good. It was very long, though. Or it felt long at least.

No Country for Old Men was way better, in my opinion.