Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Body is a Temple

This morning went like any other. I woke up around 6:30, ate, then slept till 7. Got dressed left and went to the bus stop. My bus was on time today, but the weird thing was that I was the only one on the bus *Twilight Zone music ascends from my bones*. But I got to school, putzed around on the internet until it was time for class. I brought another energy drink with me, but this week, it was an orange Amp. It was okay, I'm not too fond of orange drinks though. However... it didn't really work... I mean, I know people say "energy drinks don't work, I'm a jackass", but that's because they're already awake! Nice going morons... But yeah, so my head still bobbed. So, it's nice to know my body is immune to over 80mg of caffeine. Yeah... I like sleep, shut up! So my next class was math, which was fun because of 'super group'... we couldn't be stopped. But enough of that, I'm gonna just let you guys wallow in your curiosity and conspiracy theories until you all start talking about them with each other like it was some in depth plot like that of Heroes or Lost. And then I'll laugh as all of your guesses are dumb as shit, and so implausible that if another writers strike happens, I know there is no future in creative writing of any fashion... So, I'm done with work, and I'm going to go home now. See, unlike you, I have a life. I don't sit around and read peoples blog posts. I actually just talk to them. I contribute to society! Jesus loves me!... wow... it's really hard to portray sarcasm in text... Goodnight!

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

i think this "super group" is plotting to assassinate me when i become president.....i'm not paranoid.....