Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Plug My Own Video In Class...

Yes, that's me. I just can't seem to get over the 'new' facebook. It's just so drastically different. I can't understand how to post to anyone anymore, and how will I see my bumper stickers. I can't adapt. My heads gonna' esplode!!!

Take that you whinny little facebook addicts. Improvise, adapt and overcome. If the Marines can do it, so can you. Anyways, classes started for me today at 3:30, and I woke up around 9:30. So, I had a lot of free time. I ended up half riding the bus and half walking to the library (won best library of Wi. in 2004, W00T!!!). I picked up a Cake cd (Pressure Chief, it's awesome, look it up!). After that I walked home and made a pizza. My brother got home from school, we ate. He left for work, I left for school. Now I'm in class blogging...

1 comment:

chompsworth said...


That was my favorite thing all day. I guess every culture needs a town idiot though...