Thursday, October 2, 2008

So, here I am... yet again sitting in the UWM Union computer lab (this is probably where I'll do most of my posting). I spend FAR too much time in the Union (picture the feeding trough in a barn, now imagine that, three stories high and a couple hundred college students). Since school started, I've finished three books, working on the fourth. And no, I don't read often... Last year I think I read about six books total, not including any of those assigned for me to read. Right now, I'm finishing up a good... three or four assignments before I go home to work relentlessly on an architecture project of mine due at 11 tomorrow morning... That makes me bring out my sad face. However, there are some beacons of hope moving me forward through the next few days: 1. Being the old annoying guy in my physics class burst out of disscussion today after finding out that he had accidentally skipped the whole last page of a test we had taken last week (effectively lowering his maximum potential grade to a 'B') and 2. The repetative chalkings around campus. They teach you sooooo much! More than most lectures even! It's true, today I learned voting is sexy!

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

voting is sexy......thats deep