Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How Epic Can One Man Be?


Okay, back to business. Today, I woke up at approx. 9 o'clock. From there I was greeted by a mysterious biscuit with scrambled eggs inside of it accompanied by a always delicious glass of apple juice. I ate it. It was good. I then flew down my stairs and went into the bathroom. Like a flash of lightening I was groomed. Clothes changed, teeth brushed, and deodorant applied. This is where things got tricky. I flew up my stairs, much in the same way I had flew down them, but this time going against one of my biggest foes: gravity! He has plagued my people for years, always tryin' ta' bring us down. But I got up the stairs nonetheless. I laid back down because I was hell-a early approx. 9:30, then I got back up in one quick fluent motion like a compressed spring! I went over to my backpack and pondered what tools were necessary for this days line of classes. I thought. I came to conclusions. I concurred. Backpack now set, I picked up my art portfolio, my wallet, and ipod. Now I'm ready for anything. I flew back down the stairs and slid out of my front door, tail end of my coat fluttering in the wind as I walk in badass slow motion with Nine Inch Nails "Just Like You Imagined" joining me for awesome walking themes. Current time is approx. 10:15. I notice almost immediately that it is not cold out today. Good, the weather knew who was boss. I walked to the buss stop, thus began my contemplating of which bus stop to wait at. I do enjoy a good walk in the morning, so the further, yet more reliable stop seemed best. But no, I opted out to go to the closer one. I can't miss this bus. Or rather, this bus can't miss me. The time: approx. 10:30, the bus pulls up. Bus driver lets me on. Good. I see a good friend standing by my normal bus stop. He's staring off into space. He must be waiting for his ride home. Shame, talking is important. Vitally important. The bus continues, all cars move out of our way because they know... they know. I step off the bus. approx. 11:00. Damn, people are getting free pizza right now. I stand there for a moment squinting, exhaling a puff of smoke in the worlds face without having smoked anything, just to inform the common folk of how badass I am. I teleport myself to the room I had prior never known to exist in the dark recesses of the Union. I had found my prize. Pizza. Free pizza. I consumed two pieces. One pepperoni, one mushroom and olives. I wrote two postcards to incoming freshman. Both Architecture majors. Good kids. I believe in Gotham City. I left, approx. 12:15. I took an extra two slices for the road. I needed to send them a message. I walked to the Physics Building across the street. Shit. I knew what was coming. I stood outside the building for a moment. Waiting. Watching. I went in and took my time up the single flight of stairs. There I was. My dreaded Physics Lab. An Enemy. I go in and sit down. The instructor isn't there. Good, she won't ask for any of my pizza. The minute hand on the clock ticks...ticks...ticks... Five more times I heard it click. The time is approx. 12:30, my stomach full of free pizza, my mind set on owning todays lab. The lab is received. The lab is completed. I hate that class. I leave class and converse with selected co members of the aforementioned class. We converse. We separate. I return to the union, my unofficial home away from home. I discover an open computer. I sit. I type. The time is approx. 2:30. All work is done for my next class, time for play. I utilize tools such as Wikipedia, Youtube, and my library card to buy myself some time. The time is approx. 3:15, I stand up from my seated position and allow my coat tail to sway much in the manner it did this morning. I make it to my next class. Others begin to show up. At approx. 3:30, we start class. Wiki-Nation.We think. We feel. We talk. I learn. The time now is approx. 4:45. I exit class. I had a successful experience. But that is over now. I keep myself moving forward. I once again return to my sanctum of the UWM Union. I eat. It isn't free pizza, but my stomach is at bay. I read. I finish the chapter. I return to an open computer. I fight off other potential users as I do often to ward off other internet-craved students. I am successful at claiming my computer. I check my e-mails. I check my Facebook. I check other blogs I'm subscribed to. I'm momentarily saddened by the sheer lack of communications people have sent to me. I am no longer sad. I'm... Blogging! The time is apporx. 6:30. I must attend my art class in less than half an hour. The time is coming. I can feel it. Like a shadow in the dark. I start thinking to myself, have I missed anything? No. I couldn't. I can't. Good night, and good luck...


KIWI! said...

quite epic. damn you, tring to one up my blog with your fancy wordage. but yea, gravity can be a bitch...

Loganat0r said...

woa... woah

that's epic

and lulzy

Anonymous said...

[url= ]Подрос и стал агрессивным [/url]
Вопрос для мужчин и для женщин.
У меня есть молодой человек, он моего возраста, и меня всё (очень-преочень) устраивает в наших отношениях, помимо одного момента: он не торопится со свадьбой (поначалу мне это также подходило). Недавно познакомилась с другим парнем, который незамедлительно и на полном серьёзе сделал мне предложение. Но я его не люблю, и он старше меня на много лет. Я потерял свой блескась, не знаю, как мне быть. Особенно меня угнетает то, что я буквально каждый день в таких ситуациях выбирала не такого молодого человека.