Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Too Much Carbon Monoxide For Me to Bear!

Yeah... today wasn't all that exciting. I woke up around 2 in the moring (It was weird) and remembered to set my alarm for 6:30. So at 6:30 I woke up again and headed downstairs. My mom was already up and moving about... I really think she acidentally took some crack coccaine, because she had been up since 5 cleaning and hanging Christmas deacorations (I should hide my stash batter...). Yeah, so I got dressed and ate breakfast before heading out for the bus. I was actually hell-a early 9about 7:06... bus wouldn't come till like 7:25 (which is the bus I usually miss, and catch the 7:35, or the one closer to 8)). So I met Beau on the bus and we talked about archy for awhile (he just now started thinking about what he's doing for his chair project, and we bitched about that STUPID 10pt quiz over break(however, I did get an e-mail today saying that that had been extended, suprised happy face!!!)) So we got to campus, made fun of some guy with a wheelie bag (your bagpack weighs ten pounds, pick it up and stop being a little annoyning bitch...), and then we hit up our computers. While in the lab I realised I had forgotten an energy drink, so I would have to stay awake Han style... solo... Long story short, my head bobbled (damn you conceptual physics!!!) After physics, I went back to the union to eat. I ate about half of my lunch and tried to put my head down for a nap. I was listening to music and resting my head on my pillow, so my nap turned out to be a two hour long attempt at finding a comfortable position and trying to relax... It was one of those naps that doesn't refresh you, it actively makes the rest of your day worse... so I finally got up and went to math. It was a review day, and I actually did my best to pay attention the entire time. We filled out a lame ass evaluation of the class and thus got to leave early. Not that it mattered much, my bus comes at the same time for me nonetheless. So, I caught the bus home, rested for about half an hour, got up, ate, and started in on a bunch of crap my mom wanted me to finish while we were both in the house at the same time. Then it was off to work. Work was a pain. The towels were dissapering, there were a lot of people coming in and out the whole time, plus all of the employees seemed to be miscomunicating and yelling at or about one another... (and they want to down-size! BAH!!!) I did however get to finish Batman: Knightfall today at work. It's a pretty cool graphic novel (basically the Batman equivalent to The Death of Superman (which is also a powerful graphic novel)) This one is however a lot more psychological as it shows the wearing away of Batman and the growing fatigue (mental and physical) he suffers from. Now I need to pick up the nect two volumes... That reminds me... I still need to read the Rebirth of Superman (Anyone else think that's a representation of Jesus??? I thought so... it's not all that subtle). I also finished listening to "Scars on Broadway" (their self-titled) and "Hot Fuss" by The Killers. The Scars cd was pretty good, they managed to make some really interesting sounds through out, however the lyrics, as good as they were (if a bit pessamistic), were very repetative. A few songs seemed they just looped the whole thing... And the Hot Fuss cd I liked more than I thought I would. I mean, I knew it would be "good", but I figured I'd just be sort of indifferent. Lik I'd listen to it, but it's not somehting I actively like. However, there were a few songs that I liked more than others (strangely not many of them were the singles... (sorry, but I'm still not a fan of "Somebody Told Me")) Well, now the fire alarm is going off, so I'm just gonna head home... bye-bye!

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