Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Global Warming My Ass!

Hi! I'm at work right now and I'm pretty bored? Why? Because there's too much damn snow for anyone to want to leave the comfort of their home and come work out at the Y. And the people that have braved the weather to squeeze in their excersize... well, let's just say I've already had some very... colorful things to say about them (wow... I never realized how racist that seems in text... sorry... I'm not a racist I swear... well maybe towards Pepsicans, but they deserve it).

Anywho, this morning I woke up at about 6. I was just awake enough to roll over and hit the light on my alarm. Now that I've discovered that it was 6, I figured I had another half an hour before the alarm clock would go ape-shit, so I went back to sleep... or at least I tried. I knew if I fell back asleep though, I probably wouldn't wake up with my alarm... Soooooooooooooo I settled for a half awake/ half asleep resting combo thing... Anyways, I got up at 6:30 and went downstairs. I got dressed and ate breakfast (I watered down my instant oatmeal too much... sad face). So, right around here the time was about 7 and my class doesn't start till 9, and there are about 3-4 buses I can talk (or want to take) in that time... Do I have any other option? I went back upstairs and went back to bed. I woke up about 15-20 after before I officially made up my mind to catch the 7:35 bus. So I stayed in bed... I had a few more minutes right? I woke up again at 7:30 and threw myself out of bed, picked up the rest of my shit and bolted out of the door. Somehow I managed to get to the buss top on time (it was a few minutes late due to road conditions). So I got on the bus and Beau and Nate were up at the next stop. They got on the bus but neither saw me. No one was sitting next to me until the last park and ride where, as fate would have it, the one person I didn't want to sit next to me... sat next to me. There was nothing wrong with her or anything... it's just that she comes into work all the time, and is one of those people that no me by name... and well... I really didn't feel like having any 'oh what a coincidence!' Blah blah blah small talk. So I did what any [ab]normal person would do... I pretended to be asleep... It worked perfectly. Then I got off of the bus and checked the time. It was already 8:30 when I got to the Union. I just pretended to be asleep for an hour long bus ride... *sigh* the lengths I'll go to... So instead of logging on to a computer and almost immediately logging off, I opted just to go to class... Oddly enough, Beau was walking the opposite way (he got off at a different stop for NO reason what so ever...). So we walked for a bit talking (he revealed to me that he did see me 'sleeping' on the bus, and was tempted to throw something at me). It was during this chat that he revealed to me that he waas going to skip class and go home... That's right, he just took an hour long bus ride to school... just to go back. That crazy fuck! So I continued to class regardless. The snow was really annoying because it was coming down horizantal thus peircing at my eyes every time I looked up. Physics was a bit sill, but I brought a monsoon, so at least I stayed awake for most of the class (most). Then I left and went back to the Union. I decided to go downstairs because it's usually less crowded and there's still a few computers I can use. So I ate and read, and briefly went online before my next class. I only ate half of my lunch, so as I was going to math, I got a little hungry. This seemed to subside during class however. I found out I got a 75% on my last test (sad face) , but the quiz scheduled for today was automatically entered as a A because we braved the weather and came to class. Plus, she added 3 points to it, so we all got 13/10 points on that quiz. I thought between that and one dropped quiz score that my grade would vastly improve, but it just went from an 83% to an 85%. I guess I can't complain too much, they are still free points, but I'm really shooting for an A in the class which basically means I need to got like an A+...+... but I doubt it. All in all, I'll finish off on a stable enough base for the class. So we reviewed for the whole hour then left our own ways (I want to remember to shake all of Super Groups' hands on the last day of class... They've been such an influence on me). I caught the bus and took it home. I was SUPER hungry by the time I finally got my door open (plus I was wet form the snow... there's nothing more annoying than obstacles infront of a meal). I also had a bit of a debate with myself as to what I was supposed to eat for super... up until this mornign had been chilli, but I'm pretty sure that had changed as of this morning because my mom had finished the enchilladas). I stuck with the enchilladas because someone had already eaten some, so I couldn't be to blame for anything... I downed that in about ten seconds. I was still really hungry so I made myself a grilled cheese. I was still pretty hungry, but I knew I didn't have enough time to whip up something else to eat. So I left to work (early). I've been here every since. I got some of my different hours worked out with the boss[es], so I'll be getting some more hours while I'm off, which is good because my job is well... pending. So it's about that time, I'm gonna go now. Bye-bye...

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