Thursday, December 4, 2008

Architecture Chicks Are Hot...

So, let me begin by telling the bullshit that went down last night... For my art class, we had to sit through some artist give a lecture to us... Well, they called her an artist, in reality, she had an unhealthy obsession with water. Well, I sat by the rest of my class (well, most of them anyways) and was actually remotely social (remotely). So, needless to say, I got a few minutes of shut eye as we were barraged with pictures of water, Chinese people, and awful jokes. Then it was back upstairs for class. We didn't do any drawing today, just brain stormed for our final project. Then at around 9:15, I was out the door (mind you, my bus comes at 9:22, it's also the last 49U of the night). I got to the stop at 9:20, but was outside and looking down the sidewalk around 9:18 or so. I was standing there until 9:50... Fucker must have come WAY early. So right about now, I'm breaking a ten hour day, and I just want to go home and get some sleep. So I curse the MCTS gods, and hop on the 62. Now, I've never riden the 62, so I, in all reality, have no clue where the Hell it's going. I mean, Andrew told me basically what to do if I'd ever missed the last 49U, and I was pretty sure it was the 62 that ran into the 12. So I get on, and just for the sake of safety, I ask the bus driver if this bus would run past Capitol and Teutonia. Her response was "Look at the sign, this bus says 62 Capitol"... Okay, I can read you dumb bitch, I just want to know how to fucking get home; now answer my God damn question before I put us both on the news... God she pissed me off! How is she going to respond to me like that, when the chick in front of me asked her if she was laying over long enough that she could finish her cig... So, I walked away from the bitch- I mean dus driver- and sat down, knowing that I was actually going to school and will likely amount to more than driving up and down Capitol at night... So I took the 62 and took in all the sights (Hey! There's a J J's! Hey! There's a KFC! Hey! There's another J J's! Hey! There's a drug deal!... and they call me a racist). However, towards the beginning of the ride, a bus pulled up next to us. And, fuck my life it's the 49U! What the Hell is he doing out here over forty minutes late that son of a bitch!!! I was tempted to try and get off of my bus and hop on that, but the 62 has way too many stops for me to catch the 49U. Fuck. I watched all of the street signs carefully because I really just wanted to find Teutonia, catch my bus and go home. No more dilly dallying. Just as I suspected, others were getting off at Teutonia, so I just stepped out when they did, and also like I suspected, the bus driver didn't say shit to me when we stopped at Teutonia, even though I was right behind her... Okay, whatever. I stepped out and stood under the 12's shelter. I was there for a good twenty minutes because the first 12 to go by was the Hampton one, so I would have ended up far from home and much more angry... So I ended up getting home around 11:15, and passed out immediately (I'd been on campus since noon...).

Now, onto today. My alarm had no effect on me, so my mom had to come get me up. I collected my stuff, ate and was out the door. I missed the 7:25 bus by only a few seconds, and had to wait till the 7:35. Nate and I were the only ones on the bus, so we talked practically the whole way. Once on campus I chatted with Beau at a comp. in the union, and checked my Facebook as well as various e-mails ect.... Then I was off to Physics. I forgot an energy drink this morning (again), so I was flying by myself. I was doing good for the first half, but then I just crashed. That was the first ever clicker question I have ever missed... I woke up just as he was showing us the results (damn!). After I woke myself up again, I was good till the end of class, then I was off to my physics discussion. Discussion is always pretty easy and laid back, so I was fine. He should us the answers to last weeks test, and we reviewed for the final (from the answers he gave us, it looks like I did a lot better on this test than I thought I would!). So once that was over, I hit up the union to eat and maybe get some math studying done. I ran into Nate at his SDS table and ended up sitting and talking with him the whole time (about 11 to 12:15). I ate in that time, but I didn't study (damn!). So I got to math and did good on a majority of the test, but there were a few questions that were just like sticks up my ass hole (and in case you need some background information about me: I do not tend to like anything shoved up my ass hole...). Bah! Oh well, I'm gonna kick some ass on the finals, I swear! I gotta kick a few of those B's up to A's (plz?). Yeah, then I went to the archy building (screw people, this building is pimp). I studied a bit then took an archy quiz (the one they re-issued since the Thanksgiving debackle) (10 out of 10 points!!! W00T!!1!). Then I just chilled out and checked when the archy store opened up so I could buy my box tomorrow morning (I ain't gotz no moneyz... sad face). I waited around till about quarter to 3 so I could meet with an archy advisor. I ended up waiting there until 3:15 (she was talking with some student about resumes). So, when she finally called me, she pulled up my record sheet (classes, placement test grades ect. ect.), wrote down some classes, initiated some small talk, gave me the sheet, told me she'd put me in the School of Architecture (FUCK YES!!! CHRIS HOUSE, ARCHITECT!!!) and she sent me on my way. Not only was that really cool, but it was -dare I say it- borderline awesome. Now, all I need to do is register for said classes and return back to awesome. The kid is back! Wooo! Yep yep yep! Also, I'm still in the archy building typing my blog (a bit of a change of pace) and , as my title implys, Architecture chicks are hot! Not like "I'm a slut that tries to hard to suck dudes cocks" hot, but the "I just woke up and am not a bitch" hot! It's crazy cool, I swear! Anyways, now I'm gonna go and finish that damned chair for archy...

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