Monday, December 8, 2008

They All Want Me To Be A Robot!

So, it occurred to me last night: I haven't blogged in a while. When I realized that somewhere around 10, I contemplated if this marked the end, or the slow downward spiral of my blog because I really had no intention of writing after I thought of that...But, as I'm sure you can tell, those thoughts were all but eradicated when I remembered today that the UWM union is the loneliest/ boring place on Earth... So here I am writing and there you are (theoretically) reading.

So, my weekend was pretty dull. Even Fri., the one day that people really tend to hang out was all but a bust. I showed up around 10 (had to assist my mom with some photo stuffs) and knew when I got there that I'd have to leave around midnight because Steve wasn't there. Plus, about half the time I was there I was trying to make my schedule for next semester (btw, despite the the close to eight hours a week of architecture classes, and an art class that starts at 8 in the morning, this semester looks much better for me. At the latest, my days will end at 4:45, with less bullshit time in between classes). Then Sat. and Sun. I worked and was just generally lazy. I watched a few movies ("I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry", "Accepted", and "Guess Who". All of which are great comedies with immensely important messages behind them. And because of my first dabble in the college life is almost over, "Accepted" hit the most personal note for me) sat around in my jammies and tried to finish up some of my art projects (MY art projects!). So Mon. rolled around and I had a somewhat lazy morning. I finished my art homework (it sucks) and tried hanging more lights on the tree. I'm still only like a third done... So I moped around the house until about 2:15 when I started getting ready. I was running all over the place, despite the fact that I more or less excepted the fact that I'd be missing the 2:36 bus... So I finally got all of my stuff together and left. Amazingly, I just caught the 3:03 bus (if I didn't... I likely wouldn't have even gone to Wiki-Nation... it's not worth it). So I got to campus right as class started and weaseled my way in. Class was boring (Only one more class left. So, yeah, Kiwi, the "party" is Wed.) and I'll be presenting my flaming piece of shit project on Wed. We all left early and I walked back to the Union. I ate, listened to music and read the newest Post. Holly had called me during class, so I texted her for a bit. Then I started trying to work on my math exam review. I got bored and gave up on it after a little bit. My eyes were getting pretty heavy at this point, so I instead of getting a nap in left to find my computer in perfect isolation. I really like this thing (except a huge ass dance class show thing just got out right next to me so it's a bunch of people talking and cramming in a small area). Now, I'm gonna go one more flight upstairs and go to art. Art will likely not make me happy because 1. I forgot some crap at home and 2. We have one more class in which to finish a large scale project... Fuck... So here I go, wish me luck...

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