Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dude, I Totally Miss You. I Really Freakin' Miss You!

Yeah, I haven't blogged AT ALL lately... I guess I just really haven't had the time. And seeing as how I didn't have a computer at work this weekend, and I don't have to be on campus much, except for when I have to take a test...so ... no blog... Sorry, i know how much you all cared.

Anyways, lets recap. Thurs. night was pretty laid back. I was supposed to hang out with Holly after she got off work, but she never called me... So, fuck it, I took a slow night. Then Fri. rolled around and I was officially done with my classes. So, I took my new-found time to finish oodles of stuff around the house. I also want to report that Fri. was the day my family and I got a pizza, bought The Dark Knight (we got a 3$ off coupon with the pizza) and we had a pizza movie night (W00T). I've seen the Dark Knight before in theaters, so this time through was more or less my deeper analysis of it. The movie is fantastic, no doubt about it, but something about the trasitions and progression just seemed... off. I don't know, I can't really explain it, but it moved in a very unideal way. I'm not trying to say its bad or anything, but something about it bugged me. Oh well. Then a few hours later, I hung out with the peeps (TGIF... the only day I congregate). We all had a 'conference'... actually we had 3, but because Jake came later (via the 12) and Kiwi had work (via work). That was tons of fun. Really. Sat. was boring, and even my 3 hour shift felt like an eternity. Holly called me again on Sat. and asked if I wanted to hang out. I said I had to study, which was true, but I didn't. And, as it got later, the lazier I got... and somewhere around 8 o'clock, I said 'to Hell with it', she ditched me on thurs... fuck it... I'm gonna stay home. And that's just what I did. Sun. came and went. I studied for my math exam the entire shift (somehow it took me all eight hours to finish that damn review...). One more day. Mon. was also very slow for me. I tried studying some more, but I felt really confident after that review sheet, so I didn't. I did however finish my art project, and ended up liking it more than I thought I would. It was a collage, so I really didn't put much effort towards it (not my cup o' tea (and I do fancy tea)). While I made that, I watched The Dark Knight again. The Joker is just plain funny... it takes you a few times to catch all of the subtleties, but he's really funny. Then around 6, I went outside (Goddamn it was cold) and caught my bus to campus. I felt really dumb starting my school day at 6pm, but, you gotta do what you gotta do. The 'final' on tonights radr: art. That's right, an art final. Not art history, or anything that involves any sort of written word or aquired knowledge... we just had to show up. At 7pm on one of the coldest nights this year... Oh well... suck it up. Improvise, adapt, and overcome. We had a critique of all of our work and a public hanging of these peices that took far longer than anyone had expected (it took about 2 hours). So by the end, we were all pretty fed up and just wanted to leave. I missed the 8:51 bus by about 5 minutes, so I had to knock around a half an hour before the good ol' 9:22 49u (The last bus home... que the music). I got home around the norm of 10:15-10:30. I helped my mom around the kitchen so she could get some sleep and I finally got up to my room around 11. My original plan for the night was to stay awake until Tues. and hop the first bus down to campus. I turned on Season 1 of Earl (I started rewatching the fisrt season this weekend). Around 12:30 I realized that idea was retarded... I set my alarm, packed all my stuff, and made sure I was already dressed. I was pretty paranoid that I wouldn't wake up on time though, so the sleep I did get was spotty at best (still better than none though). And now on to today...

I woke up near perfectly this morning (which is insane for me to do... 5:30... C'mon!). I got up, made myself breakfast, brushed my teath, made sure I had everything I would need, all while keeping a ninja lke silence because the rest of the house was sleepy-bye. I ended up being like 20 minutes early, so I sat around for a bit, then left to catch the bus. The first 49U was at 6:30, and I planned to be on it, so I made sure I was out there with plenty of time to spare. I even walked to the middle stop because there's a streetlamp above it. The bus almost didn't stop for me, but it did and I was inside somewhere partially warm. I got on to campus right on schedule and showed up to my testing room a good half an hour early (I was the first one there...). To celebrate my victory of successfully getting to my final on time, I tapped my final red Amp. It kept me alive (and did it in a tastey way!). The test was actually pretty easy. Well, I mean, it wasn't easy, but I know I did well on it. There were only about 2 questions that I had any sort of problems with, and I added it up in my claculator. If I got both of them completely wrong (but I likely would get some partial credit), I would still get an A on the test. So I left. I did however stay the entire two hours of the test time, which was crazy because there was only about 30 questions. Before I left campus I checked my e-mails and Facebook (all of which I've neglected since Thurs. morning, so, don't feel bad about yourself blog). Then I went outside and took the next bus home. I had the same bus driver there and back... nice guy... never seen him though because I'm usually not frequenting the bus this early. Anyways, I got home (I was freezing on the walk from the stop home... plus I had to shit...). I talked with Andrew for awhile before popping in Superbad. We both reheated our chicken from the night before (it's a recipe from Grandma Jen, who is basically just a Kaplan (my mom's fam) family friend. It sounds goofy as shit and was afraid to eat it at first, but it kicks sooooo much ass (the reason I was afraid of it is because it called for half a bottle of french dressing an a lot of cranberrie sauce...)). Andrew left about half way through the movie, leaving me to finish it (he missed the part he said he wanted to see the most: "Nice mullet asshole"). When it ended, I set my alarm for 2:30 (it was about 1). I figured a little nap would help me out. And boom! I was asleep. I slept till the alarm rang. One of my front teeth really hurt... so I went back to sleep. Some how I woke myself back up at about 3 and got up. The nap helped, but not right away. I felt really groggy... anyways, I quick ate something and got ready for work. I wasn't all too excited for work today because I had a meeting to try and keep my job (which is total bullshit). the two hours of work before my meeting was very dulkl and boring... then came the meeting... It was just like my first interview about 7 people all saying the same thing (some clearly shining brighter than others...). Anyways, that ended soon enough... but I'm still pretty paranoid about it. Now, it's closing time, and I'm more than ready to get the Hell out of here...

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