Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Is ALMOST Done With This Semester!!!

This morning, I woke up about 8-ish (I don't know why my mom woke me up so early...). Needless to say, I went back to bed for about another hour. After that I was up and moving. I turned on some music and hung some lights on the tree (I'm still not done). I also made myself a BLCTBBQ. That's a bacon, letuce, cheese, tomato, and barbecue sandwhich. I forgot to toast the bread, so it was pretty loosey-goosey, but it still tasted good (mmmmmmmm bacon...). Anyways, then I sat around and played with my music for a bit, snaking on randoms until it was about 11. I went upstairs, checked my schedule, and the bus I wanted to take would be about 11:30. So I figured I had a good half an hour or so. So, I actually went upstairs, crawled into bed... and read... I know! Crazy right??? I mean, I get a lot of reading done on campus, or at work (less so now because I spend more time on the comp.), but at home?!?!?! So anyways, I read till about 11:15, when I went down stairs, took a shit, and finished my buisness in the bathroom. When I got out, I looked at the clock... 11:30! God dammit! The whole morning dragged on and on, but no! Not those 15 minutes! Damn... So now I had to wait till noon, when my class starts at noon thirty... So I slowed myself down a bit before finally heading out. Some how, I actually got to campus early, and got to class only about 2 minutes or so late. We took the 'final' (it was just a test/quiz thing...) in my physics lab, before completing an actual lab. Both of those were pretty rough... Neither of them made me happy... at all. So I left...and went to the Union! There, I actually had to wait for a computer (this rarely happens any more... or at least not that long...). So I finally got on a computer, and checked my time. I had about an hour before my next class. Sweet, it's time for Heroes. So I watched the latest episode, and I really liked it. The time travel parts were both interesting and fun (it wasn't fun when you found out that Hiro was the one who offed his mom though...), the Gabriel returning to Sylar was funny and almost a guilty pleasure, and, as you can all imagine, the Haitian is a fuckin' beast! Plus Sylar was pretty pimp in that situation. Although, once the Haitian left, wouldn't Arthur come back to life like Claire and Sylar have? I kinda figured he'd still be alive, but maybe his 'powers' don't really work like that, and maybe his old ass is finally dead... who knows, it's not like they've got any writers who knew what was going on any more (zing!)... So once that was over I shuffled on over to Wiki-Nation, where, we had a 'party'. Basically, we all acted like we normally did, only now there were about half the class, and our instructor actually intended on us acting this way. We had popcorn and ginger snaps, as well as the coap de grace: Spritzer! Lemon, peach, and raspberry spritzer!!! I know, right! Right?!?! So, needless to say, we got pretty spritzed up. We were spritzing all over the place. It was pretty sweet. I did notice however a strange absence by a mysterious character who claimed to want to join attendance... hmmm... Anywho, that was my last class of Wiki-Nation ever. In a way, I'm sad to see it go, because it was one of those "Mental stability" classes, but I'm on to bigger and better things (hopefully). Now I'm at my secret computer typing away at this and counting down the minutes to... wait for it... wait for it... I hope you're ready for this... MY LAST ART 101 CLASS!!! Woo-Hoo, now all I need to do now is pretend to be interested for about another 2 and half hours and then I'm free!!! Holy shit... And then, after tonight, I've got one more morning of Physics and math before the end. Then I get Fri., yes, all of Fri., off to do nothing but organize study material for finals. I'm not going to study, I'm just gonna put everything in it's own neat piles so when the time comes for me to start cramming for an exam that typically encompases a majority of the overall classes score... I'll be ready. K. There's somebody next to me now, so I'm gonna take that as my signal to sign off for now. Bye bye all!

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