Friday, December 5, 2008

Oh My God!... A Day Where I Couldn't Read A Post From Kiwi Before Posting My Own!!!

That chair... That fucking chair! I stayed up until 3:30 am working on that damned thing. I ended up having to use pieces form old Erector Sets to make the chair glide as I wanted it to. Once I finished I basically just went upstairs and passed out. I only got about 4 hours of sleep before I had to wake my ass up again and head down to UWM. i was woken about three times in that four hours too. So when I finally got up I packed my stuff, made sure my chair was nice and safe before heading out. I missed the first bus by about a minute, which sucked A LOT of balls. It is ass cold out today and I had to stand there for a good twenty minutes. When the bus finally came, I got one and mentally went over all of the crap I had to do in the archy building before my shit was due. Long story short, I got there, my chair was safe, I tried printing off the rest of the project, some bullshit happened, and I ended up getting all of my stuff done and got to class maybe about 5-10 min. late. It was all good though. Class was dull and we were just wrapping some stuff up before review for the final. I ended up taking about a half an hour nap (oops! See title). During class, I also realized that I didn't eat breakfast today, which is why I'm so damn hungry, and can't wait to finish Heroes and going home. One thing I do want to comment on about this episode of Heroes is: at the very end of the last episode Noah (H.R.G.) was looking through his sniper scope at Gabriel and Elle finally embracing and well... making out, but at the start of this episode, they were completely naked lying together all sweaty and out of breath. That's when you finally see the bullets come whizzing through the window. So my question is this: Did Noah watch them have sex through his little scope the whole damn time??? If so, that's REALLY creepy... Or maybe, he couldn't shoot, you know, what with the moving targets and all (lmao)... Yeah, I really don't have much to say, It's Friday, and I just feel like dieing (not literally, I just mean I want to pass out... alot!). However, when I get home, I have to finish the work my mom wanted me to do on some pictures. That and, I really don't know if peeps is doing anything tonight... we usually do on Fri., but there's a lot of stuff going on so, we'll just have to see. K, bye-bye fanlets!Pizza ^.^
Happy Face!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hillbilly Toothpick could be the term used for penis sizegenetics that have been removed and utilized for toothpicks or decoration (mainly on baseball and cowboy hats). Typically they're the penis sizegenetics from raccoons. They aren't used much for toothpicks any longer, but this form of penis sizegenetics utilization can still be seen adorning people's hats.Sound crazy? Well, I guess that depends on your point of view. What exactly are penis sizegenetics? That's a better question: Penis sizegenetics are classified as the sizegenetics that are found practically in most mammals that can assist them create an sizegenetics.