Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hooray!... And Now It's Time For Finals

I woke up this morning, and despite myself, I actually got up. When my alarm woke me up, I was still really sleepy... No, I mean really sleepy... I think I took a little nap on the toilet after I got downstairs... So, like every morning, I ate, got my stuff, and headed out... well that's not true, I ate, got dressed, then went back to sleep. I slept till about 11:25, grabbed my stuff and left. Before I was even able to hit Green Bay rd., I saw the bus whiz by me... Now, I left probably about 11:29 or so, so I figured that was just the 11:25 a little late... well as it turns out, that wasn't so I waited another half an hour for the next bus. This bus however was the bus Steve was taking, so I chatted with him for the ride there. We finally got to campus and I convinced him to walk with me for a bit (his class didn't start for another hour...). Physics this morning was really laid back and I didn't even need an energy drink to keep me awake. We got to leave a half an hour early too. So then I had to wait for my discussion to start. That class too, was just a slow review. I tried my best to pay attention, but before tests, I always seem to have a great grasp on all of the subjects... Then I came back to the Union and ate before wasting a lot of time on the lollernet (Curse your stupid status Kiwi!!!). So about 12:20, I left to Math. I was the first one there (class starts at 12:30...), so I thought I was gonna be one of the few who cared to show up. However, everyone seemed to pile in after that. Math was also a review (go figure), and I tried my best to finish drawing on my graph paper (I didn't finish... sad face). I did pay attention to a few bits, but I know I'm gonna study this weekend and Mon. so I'll be fine (I hope). What am I saying, I'm gonna study select parts of my body off! I can do this, I know I can. Why? Because: Chris House... Architect! (It's my only motivation in school)

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

what more motavation do you need?