Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hey Hey!!!

Here I am again, at work, bored out of my mind, and ready to recount the events of the past few days. Ah... Life is just peachy...

So let's see... the last post I had was on Thursday, which by the way, I was at work doing... Now I'm sure you see no oddity in this at all, well, because I do it all the time (and I'm trying to be an above average employee in order to keep my job. The subconscious need for us to self inflict pain and suffering is a bitch...). However... I never work Thurs... They called me in [bastards]... Okay, moving onto the good stuff. Thursday night was like any other... except for the fact that we had a MASSIVE snow storm coming our way. I personally didn't care all that much. I mean, sure, I had one more exam (architecture) to take care of, but that's still not a good enough reason to run around swinging your arms about all while bitching about the proposed weather. So, I went home, did my few things before bed, then went to sleep... The next morning my mom woke me up to tell me that both UWM (my school), and MATC (my brother's school) have been closed due to the snowfall. She, however, still had work. So, even in my half asleep daze, I was in enough of my mind to let out a pillow-muffled "sweet". After she told me that, I began to wonder if that really was a good thing, because my exam would be rescheduled anyways, and this time probably in a much more annoying place. Well, I didn't get to much time to dwell on it, I fell right asleep again. A little while later, my mom came back into the room and basically said "Now, when I get home you or your brother better not say to me you didn't know school was closed, you both heard me right?" I thought that this was hilarious because almost every time she has ever popped her head into our room to tell us stuff... we likely forget it and have to ask one another what she said. So then she left. I'm not sure when exactly, but I finally was awake enough to actually get out of bed. I did this because I noticed Andrew wasn't in his bed, and the door bell rang. I went to go answer it thinking that he was no longer at home. He was home however, and he got to the door before I did (it was just some punk ass kid asking if we wanted to pay him to shovel our sidewalk (okay, a little background info: I live in a condo, so we already pay for people to do that...). What a bitch... Anyways, so now that we were both up, we talked for a while. Andrew finished Superbad, and then watched Office Space. While he was watching Office Space, I finally remembered to look up who sings "Damn it Feels Good To Be a Gangster" (btw, it's Geto Boys). So he and I were alone the whole day just putzing around the house, trying to find shit to eat. It was pretty cool because he and I rarely see each other at home any more. However, the day was still pretty boring, but that's okay, I've got about a month of break now! I also spent way too much of my time trying to get my computer to be competent... First, I checked my school e-mail and found out that my exam would be moved from Fri. at 5:30 (happy face!), to Sat. at 5:30 (sad face!). But, because my prof. was smart enough to realise that: "hey, people aren't going to show up on the Sat. after semester officially ended!!!", so, he put the whole thing up online to take from Sat. at 5:30, to Tues. at 5:30 (SWEET!!!). I was really happy to read that... Then, I was trying to look up new music, and broaden my horizons, and try to find smaller maybe less known bands. I started off looking up a band that I've heard of probably a dozen times, and was listed in more than one cd booklet under special thanks (they were in Three Days Grace and Breaking Benjamin booklets... I assume because they toured with them or sumtin) Anyways, the band was Theory of a Deadman, and I looked them up on Wikipedia, and everything looked to be okay. So, I searched for a bit to try and find a website that would just stream a few of their songs (for free mind you) so I could just get a taste of what they sound like. Now, my computer- I mean shit box... the fucking tool of Satan- sucks... a lot, so it took me awhile. Well, I finally got to listen to a few of their songs on their website... and... I wasn't impressed. They did some cool shit with the guitar parts, but the vocalist sounded like the lead singer of Nickleback (go figure, he's the one who signed them), except he had absolutely no variation of tone! It was like listening to the same word over and over again! So, after all of that, I ditched the band and moved on... I'm still on the hunt for new music, so if you've got any suggestions for some kick ass underground type of bands, hit me up. Yeah... so, that day, I did little to nothing, and as much as I hate to say I wasted a whole day, it is nice to finally be at least able to piss away a whole day... However, and I'm just gonna throw this in here like it was intetnional, and not at all thought of after I finished typing the last sentence which was a clear way for me to end my summary of the day, I did watch a really cool show from about 11:30 till 1. The first episode, I only caught the second half of. Anyways, it was on MPTV World (a new channel since I finally got around to plugging in our converter boxes). The show was called "Status Anxiety", and it was based off of a book of the same title. Anyways, it was really interesting and thought provoking, something I regrettably don't really look for in a standard tv show. But yeah, it was all about how people perceive themselves (as well as how people perceive others) in terms of social status, and how that causes stresses and anxiety in life. From that, it got me really thinking, and I'm gonna try to pick up a copy of the book. If you're at all interested:

Anywho, on to today. Today, I woke up around 10, exactly when I wanted to get up. However, I layed around until about 10:30. I finally got up though, and had to almost immediately help my mom in the kitchen. Andrew had gotten off work at 10, and was home now, so he helped to. Little did I know the cookies we were making were for Steve's Christmas [get together] Party. So we left the house at about 11:35-11:40 so that Andrew and I could help my mom make a few errands. We got done (oddly enough) on time, and only got to Steve's about 15 minutes late. From there we ate, watched some Youtube videos, and started up a Wii Sports Tennis Wimbledon Tournament (if you don't know, that was totally inspired by an episode of HIMYM). I unfortunately couldn't really get into it because I sadly had to go to work. I could have called in, but I really didn't want to dump a shift, which I had told someone I could work over a month ago, onto someone else at the last minute. So, instead I just called in and said I'd be an hour late. So, I finally tore myself away form Steve's basement, and started the trek to work. Now I know good ol' BD isn't the best at paying any attention what so ever to their sidewalks... but I knew they were all up in arms about gearing up to battle the 'monstrous' snow storm... However, no sidewalks from his house to work were shoveled... none... So I trudged through all kinds of banks of snow in my work clothes. I was a little over half way there when Jacob called me. Normally, I'm pretty okay with talking to anyone on the phone, but now I really wasn't up for chatting because I could hardly hear him (I was walking on the side of the road at this point) and my hands were freezing... So anyways, I walked about another block, and saw a car sitting on a side road infront of me. I was too far away to make out who it was, but I could see they kept looking at me. Also, they had a black jacket on with two white stripes running down it. They were also taking stuff off the front seat and moving it to the back. So, I was very curious at this point... And as I got closer, I saw that it was Katie Easton (random). But she offered to give me a ride the rest of the way (swoot). So I got to work and was glad to see it was about 3:05... Whew. Now I've been here since (it's about 7) just doing my thing... and typing this. It also started snowing again, so that makes me want to walk back to Steve's a bit less... I'll probably just call and see what's up before I decide to walk anywhere. Yeah... that sounds good. Until next time party people!

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