Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Butt Itches...

Hey all you cool cats out there! This yo main man C.H. tellin y'all that life's a bitch Maroki... But in all seriousness, I've been pretty busy as of late, and whenever I'm not busy, blogging never really occurs to me. So I'm sorry if reading my blog was your anti-drug, or the one thing out you've your work day you would enjoy, or maybe that one thing that was keeping you from committing suicide.... Yeah, I know I've been really spotty with my posts, and the posts I do manage usually lack that day-to-day flair that I have grown so used to... I promise that my blog will return back to Awesome as soon as my second semester starts and I have loads of meaningless time in a computer lab. But as for now, I'll just try to take a leisurely [lazy] approach.

Well my Christmas turned out to be pretty good. The last few years I've sort of lost the spirit for all of it though. I mean, I rarely get around to watching all of my campy Cristmas movies, the presents are no longer a suprise, and trying to find presents for everyone on time have all affected my holiday outlook. I mean, I still enjoy the giving and recieving of it all, but now I seem to care more about the time off of school than I do Christmas day. Thst being said, my presents this year were pretty good. I wasn't looking for any sort of blowout gift, so I was pretty content. I got a new ballin' floppy hat, and Wall-E on DVD. I watched Wall-E on Christmas day. My God that movie is amazing... I mean, I really can't go all to indepth with my review because it's all praise... that movie literally got everything right... If you haven't, do your life a personal favor and pick up Wall-E. You will not regret it (and if you do, please seek proffesional help). Yeah.

As for the past few days as a whole, I've really been disecting bits and pieces of my life. I've sort of been giving everything an overview. Like my friend dynamics, my loves and passions, and just who I am, and what things I can do without 'breaking character'. I don't know. It's weird and has actually been fucking up my sleeping patterns (I mean seriously, since when am I not able to sleep through the night... and why do I sleep for 11 or more hours, and wake up with an insomnia like drain in my body...). However, I'm not all too worried about it (for now), despite the fact that I probably should be a bit frightened... Maybe frightened isn't the right word... but I should definately be looking for answers and solutions.

Well... That's about all from me. See, I told you my blog was lacking... then again, I've only got one reader, so what do I care...

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

even though i'm the only one who reads this (sorry, but the truth hurts sometimes) those are all reason why i read your blog. you forgot that i also read your blog cuz its so much better then my own.