Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Nothing Like The Holidays!

Boy-o-boy have I got some stories to tell... for serious.

Mon. was planned to be the day I would head on down to the UWM (yes, I was wilingly going back... I think it's like crack in my system now). I was gonna do this because A: I needed to finish my Archetecture final B: Because I missed the last episode of Heroes and C: There are plenty of silly videos I wanted to view on Youtube. So, I figured I'd just hop a bus at about noon, finish all of my stuffs around 2-2:30, hop another bus, and be home by 3. I had work at 5 so these times would be perfect... The only problem being of course... the 49U isn't running anymore (sad face!). Sooooooooooooo a vedictive bird just flew over head and took a major shit on all of my plans. Okay. Plan B (yeah I did). My next idea was to trek out to the BD Library (keep in mind it was single digit if not negative temp. out). However, before departing, I realised that they'd assign me some bullshit time limit on the computer, soooooo I knew they wouldn't let me take an almost two hour long test. Well isn't that just stupid... So I was in a pinch. I was about ready to just say fuck it, I'll take it from home (if you don't know, my computer is about as smart as an average shoe). Now, a little afternoon, I had an important decision to make. I knew the whole time that I could still catch the 12, and transfer to the 62 on Capitol, but that would be an over an hour long ride (which I thought to be not worth it). Then... I got it. I was scheduled to work from 5-9 as an extra. The front desk closes at 9 as well. And they have two computers. So, as soon as my shift ends, I'll hide myself away behind the front desk and take my test. It could work! Awe Hell, it HAS to work!!! So, content with my ingenious plan, I went back upstairs and rewatched the first part of HIMYM Season 3 (I just got it back! Happy Face!). And around 4:45, I left and went in for work. Guess what. What? I don't work Mondays anymore. Oh really, then why where you at work? Because the new Men's Locker Room opens. Oh cool! Yeah... so guess what wasn't open when I got here? What? You know... you're a moron... Anyways, the new locker room was not open when I got here, because they didn't clean it... which they were supposed to do on Fri., But they was all pussys and said 'oh a-a-a, the weather is to-to-too bad!!!'... FAIL!!! So I helped clean until we finally opened it around 6:30. Now, I was on as an extra, so I didn't have to do anything, but help people along with the new locker room... so I pretty much sat around reading and coloring... and got paid (SWEET!!!). Anyways, 9 rolled around and I officially hid myself away from human life. I logged in, and started my test. I took a few 'breaks' when other employees talked to me, or my mom called me, but I sat there the whole time and finished my 100 minute test. I finally left about 10:40 (note, I'm usually out this piece at about 10:15 at the latest, and the building supervisors are out at 10:30. So all that was left were me and the cleaning crew). I got home close to 11, and went to bed.

I woke up today with an immense sense of freedom after I FINALLY finished my first semester of collage. And then... I didn't care because I had shit to do. So, first I ate some leftover chicken, then pestered Andrew about the plans. See, we needed to finish up the last little bit of Christmas shopping, and today would be the last day we could do it. And, We had to finish it all and get back to the house by 3 or so, because I needed to get to work by 4. Okay, first: we were going to hop the 12 and take it to Bradley, Then: We were going to walk down Bradley and hit up the 76, Next: We would get off the 76 next to Half Price Books, and we'd hit our stores chronologically, After that: We would take the 76 back to Bradley, go in the library, and get back to the 12 and go back home! It was perfect! However, much like yesterday, shit happened (see title... IT'S A FACT OF LIFE!!!). Everything was sticking with my plan up until we were walking down Bradley. Contrary to what I thought would be the problem, the sidewalks were pretty clear. But, my socks were being little emos, and slipping off my feet in my boots (you know what I mean). So I had to stop in the Library to adjust. My first thoughts were to skip picking up my items on the way there because I didn't want to walk into stores with them. Although, I finally just said screw it and picked stuffs up (Status Anxiety (the book I've previously mentioned) "With Teeth" by Nine inch Nails (I <3> It was a Festivus miracle!!! PLUS! I found a dvd that is a double feature of "Boodock Saints" and "Fight Club". Sweet! Yeah, so far we've stretched the original plans, but things are turning out far awesomer than I had originally intended. So. Here comes the bad news. it was about 2:30 when we got to the 76 stop. Now, for us to wait, catch the bus, walk down Bradley, then catch the 12, would take far longer than half an hour or so. So, time for my quick thinking! Who can/will come down here to give us a ride home? AHA! My mom was at work not 2 blocks from us, and I know she told me once she takes her break anywhere from 3-5. Yippy! (There! I said it! Stop whipping me George!). And, just incase, we thought we'd sweeten it for her and stopped at Burger King. The reason we chose Burger King is because I remembered they had Nintendo toys (W00T for Nintendo memerobelia!!!). So we got some Kids Meals to go, showed up at my mom's work, asked for a ride, she took her break, introduced us to her coworkers (yeah, I'm not gonna remember them), and took us home. I got home about 3:15 which was perfectly fine with me. I ate, got dressed, rested a few minutes, then was on my way again. And I've been at work since. Work was pretty easy tonight and there are about a billion cookies here. So I took an easy shift and showed a very laid back side, as well as helped more than enough people to show I've got manageroial written all over me (W00T for lies and made up words!). And now, I'm done with work and ready to go home, pop in a movie and take my ass to sleep. Bye y'all!!!


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