Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fuck My Life...

Basically, it goes like this: after work last night, I went home and ate a quick supper. Then, the peoples of the van came by my house and picked me up. We drove to Taylor & Dunns to wait for Kiwi. Then Kiwi called us. Kiwi already got a ride home. So we went to Kiwi's. We did the usual. You know, talks about stuff, rofl alot, and pretty much just have a good time. We were there till about 2:30. I got home and went to bed. I got to sleep about 3. My mom woke me up at 8:30. I started work today at 12:30. I've dealt with morons all day.

Chris = Not a happy camper
Yep... pretty much. Yesterday (well... early this morning I guess) was fun though. We watched D-grade movies on the sci-fi channel and watched as Aron start going ape shit (literally, I don't know what got into him). He was acting really retarded on facebook and will likely be a little emo bitch and delete his facebook page (or it could just be court mandated). It was pretty funny though. Aron is one of those few people who you will laugh at as they slide down the downward spiral of life. He even picked up heroin as his latest recreational activity. Oh well. On a brighter note, Steve offered up his younger sister to give me a blowjob. Awwww, isn't that nice. I love how families come together during the holidays!
And as I've stated concerning today, 5 hours sleep for me is not... not good. I of course got used to it during the day, and in a way it is better because I got more free time in the morning, however that groggy feeling just does not sit well with me at all. The reason my mom woke me up so early, is because it was warm out yesterday (yes, 40 degrees is looked upon as warm in Wisconsin. We're hard core!) so Andrew decided to go out in shorts. He also decided to crash on Kiwi's sofa before Steve and I left. Sooooooooooooo, we had to stop by Kiwi's to drop off his jacket and some pants because, go-fucking-figure, it's back in the single digits today. Wow, I love the weather. Yep yep yep. And when I got back home, I decided while I was up I could actually do stuffs before work. So I played Twilight Princess for about and hour, got the boss key for the first dungeon, saved, and turned it off. I, surprisingly enough, got around to taking a shower. My hair was begining to look... shifty. And, as you can see by now, I've been at work for the past 7 hours, and I've only got one more to go. I really think I'll put a bullet in my head if I have to open any more lockers though...

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