Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just A Regular Sunday For Me...

Hi there folks. It's amazing, I've only been in school for the past week and I'm already sick of it. I feel so lifelessly tired already. I blame it on my 10-12 hours of sleep I was getting in December and half of January. Anywho, My weekend still had some good parts (and some slightly bad parts... they're coming, don't worry).

First, I filled in for Becca Fri. night, which I didn't mind really. More money for me, plus doing her a favor. Then I went home and sat around. Then on Saturday, I chilled out at the house for awhile before heading off to work. Every Sat. I work from 2-5, which is only a three hour shift, and it bothers me. It bothers me because 3 hours is next to nothing, and it's usually really slow and annoying. However, yesterday was INSANELY busy!!! It was busy because for the month of January we were waving the joining fee, so , of course, everyone joined January 31st... yeah... Plus I was more or less babysitting one of my coworkers daughters. She's 4 and really... bouncey. She's all over the place, but she's fun to entertain. We, the staff, also got cookies and little ham sandwiches for being awesome. True story. So, I finally got out of here about 5:15-5:30. Kiwi called me up and shortly after, the van came and I left to Pick N' Save, then Kiwi's. We all hung out there watching SNL, playing on my new laptop, eating pizza, drinking kool-aid, and making fun of Jack... I mean Jake. We were there till about 2:15, when Steve laid down the law and said "we leave, now!". So we did. I still got to bed about 3, but whatever.

So on to today. Super Bowl Sunday!... I think... I don't know, I've been stuck at work all day long. At least it was slow...

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