Friday, January 30, 2009

I Am No Longer Topless

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I should have, but I really didn't manage my time wisely at all. Umm... Not much happened yesterday. My classes were all pretty mundane, and I had to hit up the Archy store so I could drop another 50$ on school supplies (grumble, grumble, grumble). However, stuff that I was supposed to post yesterday, that didn't happen yesterday was pretty important. First, I got my laptop! It r came in the mail a day earlier than it was supposed to (more like it came 4 days late, but then they told us it was on back order). Needless to say, I am extra excited about this. I don't even have it hooked up to the lollernets yet, and I've already played with it like everyday! It's such a relief to finally have a computer in my house that actually works. I feel like the majestic phoenix, erupting to life in a powerful rebirth. Plus, I finished the Resident Evil book I was reading. Now I've only got two more books in the series (btw, I'm still reading Twilight too...)

*Shiver runs down spine*

Okay, so on to today. Fridays are basically my architecture day. My first class was architecture theory at 9, and the next is drawing architecture at 12:30. Yep... Right now I've got a pretty big chunk of time inbetween classes, so I'm using this to blog and continue watching all of sxephils videos. He's pretty funny, but let's be honest... this many vlogs gets... I don't want to say boring, but repetitive sorta... In all reality I should probably get off the computer anyways to go eat and such... but I'm not that smart (which is odd because I'm the one that brought it up...). I really want to go home right now... But I can't, because I have (as I've said before. PAY MORE ATTENTION!) another class... then I have work. Damn... Okay, so I'm just stretching this on. Bye.

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