Monday, February 9, 2009

Short And Simple... Fuck My Life

So, I don't normally post more than once a day. But I feel as though I have to. Basically, I got royally fucked in the ass tonight. So, I got off the bus at 5:35. I ran home as to squeeze in 5 minutes before I had to head off to work... But when I got there, THE DOOR WAS FUCKING LOCKED. So now I'm locked out of my house, and I've got to get to work in 15 minutes. So I put the call out for Andrew, and go figure, no luck. Ooops... So I go to work anyways, have to wear am extra staff shirt, and have not eaten for ten hours now... I'm, hungry, I'm hot, and I'm pissed off. Oh, and to ad the cherry on top, I got a call from my mom (who I had called to tell her what was going on). Turns out my dad broke the front window to get in! Super!

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