Friday, February 20, 2009

*Insert Random Throat Gurgling*

I know, I know. I haven't blogged since Tuesday. If it makes you feel any better, I haven't done any homework since then either.... So its not like I'm leaving my blog for a limber whore...

Anywho, I've actually been meaning to blog because, in a way, I did have some shit to say. So school has been a pain, I mean, I've got a lot of art... Plus, with that new laptop, I waste A LOT of time! For God's sake, I found all the episodes of Rugrats!!! Who wouldn't be excited to download all that stuff?!?!?!

Some other quick details of the past few days: Ummm... I drank a Rockstar Pomegranate yesterday. It was good, but it sorta tasted like cranberry juice. You know, that tart flavor that almost stops in the middle of it? I also found out yesterday that I've got two tests coming up, so I'll have to study for both. I really do want to keep pretty solid grades this semester... Not to say that last semesters grades were all that bad (my lowest was a B-), but still... I gotta keep my shit up for Archy.

Wednesday was pretty laid back... Mondays and Wednesdays are always pretty slow for me. My first class starts at 9, goes till 10. My next class doesn't start till 3:30, so, I've got a nice 5 hour break. So I usually go home inbetween and get a few hours to lay back a bit.

So, I guess that's it, let's move on to today. I woke up a few times during the night, but it was okay. Every time I woke up, I felt rested... So I knew that by the time I finally was supposed to get up, I'd be more than okay. I was a little worried because I did stay up a bit later than normal because I was, big surprise, downloading an episode of Rugrats, and watching Afro Samurai. Wow... Afro Samurai is not subtle at all... In the first two episodes (the only ones I watched), about 12 gallons of blood were spilled (that's a conservative estimate too), They dropped the F-bomb about 12 times (most of wich by Sammy J (who is awesome in it!)), and Afro had mad crazy kinky sex. It is pretty entertaining, and I'm no longer one for much anime... mainly because of all the stupid shit out there, and all of these preteen kids running around talking about Naruto... Oh, and to all you anime fans, the Dragon Ball movie looks hilarious! It looks about as good as the show too, which if you've seen the show... not really setting the bar too high... So anyways, I finally woke up, get ready, then caught the bus and came down here. My first class was archy theory, which I dipped in and out of sleep during (damn that fucked up my neck!). My next class doesn't start till 12:30, and I'm gonna try to hit up some free food with Beau at the Archy building. Then at 12:30, I've got my archy drawing class, which I wouldn't mind as much if it wasn't 3 fucking hours long...

Yeah, I'm tired of writting now. Byez!

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