Thursday, September 17, 2009


I don't feel like I'm moving on... I know I'm moving, but it seems more like horizontal shifts than any sort of forward motion. There's so many little things I'm keeping track of and watching, that it really doesn't seem like any of them amount to anything... I have yet to take any tests this semester (2 quizzes, but they were online), paper due the 1st of Oct., and a project due on Monday... And yet I feel like... I'm not doing anything... At least nothing worth mentioning... nothing important...

Whatever, the semester just started *tear*.

I really want to work more with 3D images, photoshops, and animations... I dabbled quite a bit in Blender over the summer, but now that I'm taking a Digital Modeling class for architecture... I really want to get into it some more... The only downside is that these little side projects and hobbies take way too much time and attention (at least if I want them to look good...). It's sorta bothersome... I wish I knew some more people willing to learn how to animate and such and we could just make some cool looking shit in our free time. Unfortunately, most of my friends don't have the attention spans, or artistic confidence needed to power you through long ass processes like these... Shit, who am I kidding, it's not like I have the attention span either... True, I know how to use most of these programs, but I don't have the motivation to stick to it to finish something cool looking (Take for instance "9" the short film... it took 4 years to make... it's 10 minutes long... Fuck.) So I guess I'll settle for minor minor projects that make the few minute people around me say, "that's kinda cool... let's go do something else"...

I'm gonna stop myself here. Mainly becuase if I keep talking, I'm either going to continue bitching about school, or start talking about a few things I want to do... I guess it is my blog and I can say whatever I feel... but I don't want to deal with that many eyes rolling at me... So, fuck it... I'm gonna get the Hell off of campus, go to Ben's and play Tales of Vesperia!

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