Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I thought blogging would be a better use of my time than twiddling my thumbs (It's harder than it looks!)

So, in other news, Three Days Grace just released their newest cd today, entitled Life Starts Now (TDG website). Currently, I'm listening to it stream via their website. I must say (and mind you, I've only gotten through the first three songs (lol)) So far, it's mediocre. Their first single, Break, is good, but I can't help but feel it's more poppy than their previous releases. I guess I'll just have to cross my fingers for the rest of the cd. One more note on this album, is that I'm kinda thinking about purchasing their crazy huge bundle thingy from their website... But it r expensive... So, being morally opposed to making large purchases right now, I think I'm gonna ultimately pass on that... YAAAAAAARR!!!

Anyways, today is a pretty dreary day, and despite the fact that it's not even 5 (at the time of writing this) I feel like I've had a mind-numbingly long day... I don't know what it is... I just feel like this day is crawling...

I actually met up with my cousin today on campus. Ben and I met him in the Union and we all had lunch together... It was a pretty short encounter, but this is the first time he and I have hung out since school started. It was odd trying to just play catch up with him, so I'm hoping he and I will hang out some more while we both waste our lives away on campus. Plus, I may need a place to crash once my architecture projects start getting bigger, and I start spending late nights on campus (he says his suite mates are never there... so that'll work out).

And continuing on from there (I almost missed class because of this sucker!). Anyways, I finished off my school day (Urban planning... yhuck!) and was glad to have it all done. However, Urban Planning was reasonably interesting today because we had a guest lecturer. He was a big black guy that reminded me of Samuel L. Jackson. He was badass and actually made laws governing planners mildly entertaining. Regardless, I was glad to get home, and even more glad that the pimp of a bus driver drove me to my door because it was raining (pretty lightly at that time, but regardless). While at home, I ate (a meatloaf samich), finished rewatching season 3 of HIMYM, and read a good sized portion of The Ultimates (I finished Book 1). I feel like I've accomplished a lot, but when it comes to school... I'm pushing off all of my responsibilities... So long as I get it all done right?

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