Friday, September 25, 2009

Hooray For Me!

In a time where I've been feeling lost and a little out of it, I've still managed to keep on myself about things I need to get done. For example: I finished The Ultimates 1 & 2 today, I finished my architecture model, I'm almost done with my Urban Planning essay (due Thursday next week), all I need left to do is study Psych (test Monday), I need to make a digital model of my physical model (also due Thursday), and a plan and section plan of my model. Easily accomplished... I hope. Either way, I'm pretty psyched for finishing things today, as well as having somewhat of a plan for the other things I need to finish.

Plus, I got some Tales done Wed. night with the guys, and we're hopefully doing some more Sat. night once I'm done with work (ugh, I've got twenty hours of work this weekend...).

One more thing I'll press on before I go (>.< style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 400px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 400px; CURSOR: hand" border="0" alt="" src="">

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