Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday And Today. Can The Fun Times Continue?

Hmmm. Right. So, yesterday morning, my mom woke my up bright an early (around 9... and for a student on Spring Break, that's hella early...). I ate a quick breakfast, then left for a fun filled day.

(here is where I saved this post as a draft, and where I'll be picking up only about four days later...)

My day was basically planned by my mom as a day that both she and I did not have work, and I didn't have school (W00T Spring Break!!!). This spirited day started off with a lively visit to the bank. Not just any bank mind you. My school CD (Certificate of Deposit, not compact disc... dumbass) was due and my mom looked around for a better interest rate (they suck right now... Although, that should be pretty evident, the whole economy is in the shiter). So we tracked down the best rate for the most reasonable amount of time. We landed on a 2.65 for eleven months. Cool. So we moved all of my school monies over there. Hopefully (and this is my plan), I can get through school with only the money I make from work (without creating any debt for myself), and have all of the money my mom set aside for me for after I graduate (Hello my own house!). But anyways, after we got that done (btw, that little neighborhood we were at somewhere in Wawautosa where the bank was was awesome! It gave the illusion of small town life... but wasn't! It was a nice little mixture there... plus, it was only like 2-3 blocks away from Milwaukee (thus the "bad" part of town), so I'm pretty sure the cost of living over there wouldn't be like insane rich white people land...) we went to George Web's for burgers. We left and headed on over to Mayfair Mall. That was interesting because I haven't been there in some time. I got to check out (and get free samples from) a new store that solely sells tea, and tea making equipment (teapots, cups, serving trays ect.). There I found a new fondness of looseleaf tea. It's so much cooler than those little damn bags... So anyways, after that we left and headed over to the southside of town. Why? because my mom thought we were close enough to the budget theater, and she had been over there a few days prior for a meeting, but didn't want to wait that long for the next showing. So we headed on over there. We first checked out what movies they all had. My mom wanted to go see Marley and Me, whereas I was going to see The Tale of Despereaux (I also contemplated going to see the Twilight movie just to laugh and/or mock it. However, I still saw this as a waste of money and time to go to, even at a 2$ ticket price...). We had like an hour to waste before our movies, so we crossed the street to the local Walmart. Oh my God I hate the south side of Milwaukee... It's the white peoples ghetto. Everyone there was all rednecky with three children when you could tell it would take all of their brain capacity to raise one healthy minded child... Wow. That whole store was a mess and it was just crawling with crazy white folk. I honesty contemplated walking out of there with as much stuff as possible (and I'm not even that big at stealing stuff... I just do it because I'm a teenager and it runs through my veins... shut up), but there wasn't anything there I even remotely wantede to take! I did however end up buying 2 movies: Old School (uncensored), and Dodgeball. When the woman rang up Old School, it made a really loud beep, and she asked me if I was over 18. I said yes and she proceeded to click a few buttons on the register. Then she scanned it again, it made the same beep, so she asked again (half jokingly this time), you sure you're 18, to which I said...yes. My mom even chimmed in this time, yes, he's 18. I even offered to bring out my ID. She said no, don't worry about it, I believe her (reffering to my mom). And then she said, it's just that you look 15 or something...15! 15?!?! Bitch I'm not a freshman in highschool!!! I'm gonna be 19 in less than 3 months. Fuck you bitch, I'll kill you! My mom tried crackign a joke about how in due time I'll appreciate it when people guess my age as much younger than it really is... but 15?!?!?! God damn... So we left, and headed on over to our movies. Despereaux was pretty entertaining (Kiwi, Emma Watson did voice work in it). The animations, although pretty good, definately gave off more of a fairytale feel (which I assume they were going for) than any sort of photorealism.

The movie itself seemed to take a lot of hints from Ratatouille (although, I can only imagine the amount of pressure other studios feel in the presence of Pixar). Nevertheless, it was a funa nd enjoyable film for children. Adult like themes could be pulled out of it (thoughts of discrimination and hate, corupt government powers, and pain and loss over loved ones death), however, paying too much attention to things like that will likely cause less enjoyment for you the veiwer. So anyways, the movie got out, and we started our trek home. Overall, it was pretty fun, I mean, I got a lot of stuff out of it (and believe me, it sounds lame as Hell, but when you start to become monetarily independent, free stuff from your parents is more than well recieved). My only complaint would be that it took too long... somehow all that stuff lasted like 6 or 7 hours... how? I may never know. Errands and such with my mom just takes a long time. We made a few grocery stops as we came back into town too. So, when I got back home, I ate, and hoped a bus to Kiwi's for Heroes night. The bus driver was a tard. First he was like 15 minutes late (that or the bus before him was just a dick and sped off early), when he got to the stop he was texting on his phone, didn't even look at my bus pass, then he got off the bus and started talking on his phone some more! C'mon I'm missing Heroes!!! I finally got to Kiwi's close to 20 minutes late, just to find out that Heroes was a rerun. I guess that's a good thing because then I didn't miss anything. So we all hung out for a bit, then disperced at the end of the night (It was actually pretty early cuz Kiwi had to go into to work ealry the next day (St. Pattricks day)).

I too had to work on St. Patty's day, but not until late... that and my job wouldn't change all that much... I can't really remember what I did during the day... for the most part I think I just bummed around. Anyways, I had work that night, and up until that point I was having a really nice day. And surprisingly enough... I was still having a nice day even at work. It was busy enough to keep me doing something so my shift didn't seem too long, and it wasn't busy enough for me to have to run around all over the place! However, it was really hot in the building... So I was pretty good the entire day. Another successful day... Wow. I love not being in school!!! However... things came crashing down as there was a threat made about the integrity of mine, as well as all of my coworkers jobs... which not only fueled a lot of negative feelings, but also paranoia and gossip. It doesn't feel good worrying about your job like that... So that put alittle knot in my stomache for the rest of the night... But that was that day. We've all got to move on, so I went home that night and tried not to worry about it. That's about all I can really remember about Tuesday night. Yeah, I'll make some more posts to make up for other memorable points within the past few days... Bye

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

2.65, nice
emma watson (happy face)
there were a few more comments i had, but i'll leave you with this...