Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Good Idea?

So, there's really nothing about my day that I really feel like typing out right now, so I'll be pretty brief. 1. My art history exam was today. I know I got all of the titles, artists and dates correct (aside from a few inevitable spelling mistakes). But the descriptions is where I think I may loose a few points. We only got a minute or two max. to finish writting down all of our answers (15 min. for the final essay) so I felt quite rushed. Oh well, I still think I did well on it. And 2. Kiwi went out to get his Shiny Toy Guns ticket at the rave today. He left a message on Facebook asking me if I wanted him to pick one up for me, but I didn't get to read that until maybe an hour after he left. Damn... plus the ticket he got cost 35 instead of 27... So I can't really say I'm pleased about it, but it was an honest mistake... But that larger ticket price still bugs me...

So anyways, on to the big question. Now please, let me know if this is a good idea: Should I start my own tricycle gang? We could rule the streets with iron handle-bars! Just a thought...

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