Friday, March 13, 2009

Last Day Before Big Bad Spring Break!

Hey, I'm not really in the mood for typing out a whole huge blog, so I'll keep this one short. Today was pretty run of the mill... I do have an Archy Drawing midterm in an hour and a half though (I really don't know how that's gonna go...). Right now however I'm watching the latest episode of Heroes that I missed due to being at work... You know what, fuck all the people who dislike 3rd season (volume 3 and 4). This shit is beastie as all Hell! Moving on. I've tried two energy drinks as of late that I haven't typed my reviews of. Both of which are new flavors from Amp. One is green tea, the other being black tea. Personally, I prefer actual green tea over black tea, but whne concerning the new amp flavors: It's black tea all the way! The green tea just tasted too acidic and not like tea (more juicey than anything else. The black tea on the other hand had much more of a tea flavor (plus about 40mg more caffine). Yeah. I'm totally happy for spring brake though! The only down side is it's only a week. Hell yeah, I'm gonna go all crazy and shit like girls gone wild except... I'm a guy... and I won't be going anywhere... Basically it's nothing like girls gone wild and I'll bwe catching up on a lot of sleep!

1 comment:

KIWI! said...

your spring break sounds like its gonna rock!