Friday, March 27, 2009

Believe It Or Not, This Is My 100th Post!!!

6 months and 63,347 words later (yeah that's right. I copied all of my blog posts (titles included) into Word and had it do a word count... took me a little over an hour to copy it all...) I have hit the milestone 100th post!!! I've officially hit triple digits! Awesome!!!

I'm really proud of myself for getting this far... True I get really lazy/busy from time to time and just set aside blogging, and true there is little to none pertinent information in my blog, but I don't care! I've posted 100 times!!! It's crazy...

So, aside from that, news from my life. Hmmmmmmmmmmm... Let's see. First, off, I haven't blogged in a few days (which I'm sure you have ALL noticed), so I'll try to remember enough little things to throw in here. mkay... The end of last week was pretty dull. I had lots o' homework to do, and tried just locking myself away at home... This only half worked seeing as how I had work Fri., Sat., and Sun.. Becca and I are currently in debates/negotiations for hours. I've got em' she wants em'. What is a boy to do? So as of right now, we split the days we've got... but our hours pretty well stay the same (I still got my usual 17, she ended up sliding 1 extra hour past). So know she was trying to swindle my Sunday hours (the ones I work alone), and I just told her to talk to the boss man to get herself as an extra... Win-win for us... All loose from a corporate side, but we're just gonna keep that on the DL.

I finished my English homework on Saturday night, and also got one of the best e-mails EVER! My art project was now moved and due on Thursday instead of Tuesday! Thank God almighty I'm free at last! And instead of still working on it (as I had planned to do Sunday and Monday night...) I was a bum! Sunday night, I ended up walking to Half Price Books with Drew and Jake (Wait wait wait wait wait... I'm gonna need to take a side road here for just a minute)

Okay, allow me to explain. Drew. AKA: N00B...A man who was in the same graduating class as Steve, my brother Andrew, and Nate (The crazy commy I always see on the bus). However, about a year after he graduated, he and his family moved to Appleton, so he went bye-bye. This was unfortunate for the time because A. The Group was only just molding into the awesome form it is today, so we were in a less stable state (sort of), and B. because we used to crash at his house after school... So he left, and despite the occasional online greeting, we really didn't hear from him that much... We did keep up to date on the big stuff though, like when he told us he'd be moving out and renting an apartment with some friends. This specific apartment was directly above a card shop [of sorts]. They had cards, games, D & D, Swords and other weapons, all sorts of stuff for Drew to blow his rent money on (one of the few reasons he is titled 'N00B'). We visited him once up there, and the place was pretty cool... I mean, it wasn't perfect by any means, but I think that's what made it cool. So we made our jokes, had some fun, then left... A while later, we hear of some more 'big news'. Turns out Zoltan (the guy who owned the shop/was Drew's landlord/friend (His real fake name was Zenobia or something... but Zoltan is funnier)) was... and how to I put this nicely... pounding Drew's sister... I won't go into detail for that's really bogus of me to go throwing it around the internet like that (even though all who will read this already know...). Soooooooooooo Zoltan got into some legal troubles, lost the shop, had to go to a state funded place where they hold people for a certain amount of time... and... Drew moved in with yet another friend back down here almost 2 years later... It's funny how life works... Okay, and we're back in.

Where was I? Oh yeah, we all walked to Half Price. It's not TOO long a walk, all things considered, but it is a lot easier when you can talk the entire time. Anyways, we got there and I found some stuffs to buy with my 50% off coupons (I less than three Half Price Books friends club thing! If you're not already, SIGN UP! IT'S FREE!!!) I ended up getting the oldschool players guide to Tekken 3 (Tekken 3 was teh ownage back in the day! And in case you're wondering, or think I'm just fucking crazy, I DO NOT need this player's guide for the purpose it was intended for. I collect player's guides because they have awesome pictures and are nice time pieces...) and I got Superman Doomsday (The animated retelling of one of the best graphic novels of all time The Death of Superman) I ended up giving one of my coupons to Jake so he could buy some Full Metal Alchemist soundtrack. So I paid full price for my player's guide (still cheap as shit... Yay Half Price Books!!! ^.^). So we left, made a stop at Andy's to see if Jake couldn't just buy a pack of 5 bus tickets (he couldn't...) and then went to Taco Bell. We took our shit to go and all walked back to my place, They waited for the bus, I went in, yay.

Now, on to today! Woke up, got everything ready, left caught the bus, had an apple, went to class. Archy Theory today was all about wood (no joke!). Then I left and went home. I was happy because that would be my only class for the day. So I dropped off my paper in my TA's mailbox than hit up the 49U and went back home. While at home I watched Superman Doomsday with Andrew. It was okay (I liked that they kept violence and language in and just went for the PG-13 rating... It kept more of the serious mood that way). However, I REALLY wish they would have made it like twice its length, and added more emphasis on the DEATH of Superman. The movie itself covered both the death and rebirth of the man of steel (Jesus allusions anyone?). But the death was just a blip, and nothing more. The novel itself actually felt like it was dragging on too long because the final fight was massive, spanning entire states and multiple superheroes (all of whom were absent from the movie). All-in-all, it was fun to see and a nice little thing to have, but it had it's fair share of let downs. After that, we had to help our mom paint the kitchen ceiling (RANDOM AS FUCK!!!). Then I had a dentists appointment... Blah! At least it got me out of English. Apparently I ACTUALLY need to floss, go fucking figure. Once that was over, I went and took a nap in the car while my mom had her appointment. Then we made a few quick errands before heading home. One of said errands took us to CVS where I ran into Lizzy (Hi!), and another took us to the library. I chatted wit Steve for a few minutes before renting a few more cds and leaving. They only had one cd I reserved, so I've got to go back in a few days to pick up the other. Today I got Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell by Social Distortion and Death Magnet by Metallica. My mom saw that I had a Metallica cd and was all like "Waaaah, Metallica?!?!? That's heavy metal, why are you listening to that!?!??! Waaaaaah!"... I then had to explain to here that no, no Metallica is not all that heavy (comparatively speaking), and I've never really listened to them, but I feel as though I have to after getting all of Apocolyptica's cds. But anywho, got home, helped make foods, then quick caught Heroes. It was a pretty cool episode (I thought). Andrew didn't like it because it 'focused too much on the Petrelli family', but let's be honest, their dialogue and family drama almost drive that show itself! If you really think about it, that family is the heart of it all (if any). And yeah, that was about all of my day. Now I'm chatting with Emily at how we wish we would have known sooner that The Faint and Ladytron were coming to town. Tickets are only $20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it's on Wed. night!!! Blargety blargety blarg!!!

Well, yep, that's the shit goin down in my town... I hope you enjoyed my momentous 100th post! Sleep tight party people!

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