Saturday, August 1, 2009

Food, Friends, and Books

Hrm. Here we are, back again. Okay, let’s just jump right into recent topics.

First, I’ve been eating quite hardy as of late. Last night I went out to a German all you can eat fish and chicken. That was good, but the used some hip tricks to get us to eat less. They had servers (most being quite attractive). Now, psychologically, men (who are much more known for packing food away) typically feel the need to be more chauvinistic around women (especially those who are hot). Sooooooooooooooo, men will likely tend to order less food, if there is a woman bringing it out for them, because they don’t want to seem fat and . Regardless, I ate 2 pieces of fish, 4 pieces of chicken, and a baked potato (which in hindsight wasn’t a good idea. Baked potatoes are very filling. I should’ve just opted for the potato pancake…). That was good. And the waitresses were hot.

The night before that was also filled with big meals. I ate pretty well in the morning because I was just around the house, but the real meal came after work at Denny’s. Karleisa, Kaitlyn, Kiwi (Teeheehee! KKK!), Maddie, and Katie all showed up here at work to get me. I showed them around (very minutely) before finishing up work and leaving. We then all headed over to Denny’s to eat. Pat was already there, and Collin came a few minutes later. We took a while to order (Kiwi, bought us a sampler J ). I ended up getting the chicken strips with fries and onion rings. I thought this was a good choice, because everyone else was getting breakfast… Chances were SOMEBODY wasn’t gonna finish… I ate my meal, then got pancakes from Karleisa, and I tried a bite ok Kiwi’s ham… He was right… their ham ain’t that great…

So, I’m a little fatty fat fat pig…

Other than that… things have been odd as of late… It’s like all of my friend relationships have changed. Those I used to see all the time are now few and far between, with little protest from me. And those I don’t tend to want to see… I’m seeing a lot, and again, with little protest from me… It’s weird. It’s like the whole friendship dynamic has changed, and no one seems to care. And if someone were to have told me things like this would happen a year ago… there was no fucking way I’d believe it, and now we all seem to busy and worn out to give a shit about it… I tell you it sucks!

I guess that can be one of the reasons my mind has been so… flippy-floppy… I really don’t have much of a grasp on my emotions towards people anymore. It’s not like I’ve got these raging bipolar feeling towards people, it’s more of a large animosity. I don’t know how I feel about others anymore…I need to get back to a sense of balance, and not this weeble wobbly shit with people that don’t see anything wrong with that… I need to get back to stability.
One a much much different note, I got some new goodies from one of my favorite places ever: Half Price Books. Wait. Side note. I, a big kid, am usually quite good with children (please, no pedophile jokes). However, walking with Maddie’s brother Evan in Half Price Books was my own personal Hell. Not only did he want to play/read every game/book… He also wanted to own them. All I wanted to do was geek out, but I had to stay by him… To me, it was painful… But I did manage to leave there with 3 purchases: “Long Hard Road out of Hell” by Marilyn Manson, “Daredevil: Guardian Devil” Written by Kevin Smith, The Clerks Animated Series, and “Interworld” by Neil Gaiman (there was another writer involved, but who cares). Word.
I think I’m just gonna end here because I really don’t have much else to say, and anything more would just be me typing in circles trying to not only figure out just what’s going through my brain, but also to escape the boredom at work, where, I have been left all alone with all of the responsibility. Great… Here’s to nobody dying on my watch!

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