Monday, August 17, 2009

Screamin' Like A Bitch

Sorry for not posting as much anymore... I swear I'm still alive (that's up for debate), I just don't update as much as I should.

Life right now... has been muddled. I've got so many things I've been trying to work on and finish before the end of summer that I end up getting nothing done! There's so many artistic projects I need to finish, and so many movies, cds, books, and games I want to get through! And I KNOW that as soon as school starts... those things will disappear (well, books may stay... but not the ones I'd like to read). So yeah... school's quickly approaching, and it seems that new problems have opened up because of this...

Well, not so much for me, but here we go. Andrew, my brother, will NOT be returning to school for reasons simple described to me as: He is not allowed to finish... WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?

Things like that (especially after I had just gotten off of work where I've seemingly put up with enough stupidity and ignorance) really piss me off... People are so fucking dumb, and I'm sick of living in a society with them! God... We in this country have hit such self-centered desperation that we succumb to any savage or criminal activity... FOR LITTLE TO NO FUCKING REASON! I hate people SO much! It's nothing perosnal, I just don't see any reason to hold faith in others because they are so pathetic!

Sorry. I do that from time to time.

In other news, I FINALLY saw Transformers 2 last night. I went with two friends from work: Becca, and Theresa. It was fun going to a movie with them, cuz I've never really done anytihng with coworkers outside of work (not including Becca's going away party). We had to go to Mayfair after work because it was the only theater in the area playing it still. So our movie was at 9:25, and we knew going in ahead of time that we'd get out around midnight. However, having just come back from Africa a little over a week ago, Becca was still jet-lagged, and took a little nap in the middle of the movie. Theresa has already seen the movie, but was still as giddy as a child before, during, and after the movie: "IT'S SOOO ACTION PACKED!". I liked it. Honestly, I liked it. So many times I'd heard that the plot was terrible and the comedy was subpar with a lot of the jokes missing their marks. Personally, I thought it was funnier than the first, but it did still had those things where you're kinda thinking, "This... really shouldn't be here... Kids aren't watching this, stop being so lame!". But you're never really deturred from the movie too much. The plot however does have random, and at times, unnesecary twists and turns (only so many people can "die", then come back to life in the most sappy ways possible). The action was just kick ass, and the graphics were nothing short of amazing. My best advice for the movie, was that they add an etra hour, and then split it in half. That way, they would be able to pace everything a little better, and give you more than a few frames to get to know some 40 odd robots... But it was fun... I enjoyed it.

A... Umm... Yeah, you... a... and then... so... FUCK YOU, I'M DONE!

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