Monday, July 27, 2009

Oh Good Lord!

Fucking Blog. Why, why, why, why, why, why, why?!?!?!?!?

Okay, so Jake's Birthday was interesting. First off, I told work that I would be, without a doubt, about an hour late. So instead of showing up at 4, I would show up at 5. Simple enough. However, at 4:40 Jake was not even there... His party 'started' at 3. And he wasn't there at 4:40... So I called in saying, "Yeah... about that birthday boy... He's not here."... So they basically just told me to forget work and to stay and have fun. SWEET! So I got to spend more time at Jake's party... Jake finally got there, we ate, hung out, went by the beach, I took my shirt off, I made a lot of dirty comments towards Catherine, and had a generally good time. After it got dark, and we had our cake, we sat around for a bit before we relocated to Kiwi's, then quickly moved on over to Drew's "apartment" on the east-side. Hoooooray, Jake is 20!

Other shit going on... I don't even know, you know? There's all this BULLSHIT going on right now in my life. Plus, everybody else's life seems either screwed up, or busy as fuck. More often than not, both. So things are really just... hectic...

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