Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's Time For A Fresh One Sexy!

Yeah, It's a blog! Yeah! Rap shit! YEAH!!!

So, let's catch yall up to speed. Basically, June 4th was my 19th birthday (and parades were thrown in my honor), and so too was it my mom's birthday (you know that's epic!)You know, maybe that's why I always sort of had an understanding with my mom... What you think Sigmund?)) Actually, my birthday was really mundane... It started off exchanging gifts. I got a lockbox to keep all of my tax papers and such together and one of those childrens books with the sound effects and shit (quite the contrast I know). And my mom got an anniversary Barbie doll and a book shelf for her dvds and such. After that, we all pitched in to make a big breakfast. For supper we had pizza, brats, and cake. So that was all good. Then I had work... Work was TERRIBLE! As soon as I walked in the door they said "Chris, you're gonna be working by yourself tonight" Okay. And then they said "Chris, the family male locker room is flooding" Okay, gotta fix that. And then they said "Chris, 10 lockers have been broken in"... And that's when I said "... IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!". So, my boss's boss called me into the locker room and said that I was stay in there the rest of the night and do constant sweeps around the locker room. There I was, walking around a room full of naked men for the next 4 hours. I think the brightest spot of that shift was that Mo brought me a brownie, and Charlotte left me a card with a candy bar in it. The card helped put a smile on my face. After work I got picked up by Steve. We then went to Jason's for Karleisa's barbecue (yeah, it never made much sense to me either). It was pretty lame when I got there. It was basically the last hour or so of the party which pretty much meant everything had died down and there were only a few people left. They were all playing some sort of card game which looked too complicated for me to care about that late at night. I said my hellos and such, then ended up just mainly talking with Steve anyways. After that we all ended up going to my back parking lot to just sit and chill. We talked for a while until finally departing.

Friday was a pretty slow day. I bummed around the house until finally going to work. After work tonight, was another party that again I mainly wanted to go to make an appearance and see some friends I hadn't for quite a while. Again, that party was sort of a let down too... Mainly because there were a few people that I find mind numbingly stupid. Joe Duschebag (his last name is douschebag for God's sake) and Jakie. So, again, Steve and I just ended up talking. We left that one again just to hang out afterwards. This time we were at Kiwi's and just chilled till 2. I really shouldn't have stayed out that late but I did. The reason I say this is because the next day I started work at 8... and would end at 5... so my nine hour shift started a little under 6 hours after we finally left Kiwi's.

Now, I'm kinda sleepy and my neck hurts, so I'm really gonna speed this part up a bit.

Saturday was a long shift, I'm pretty sure the longest I'd ever worked, but it wasn't too bad. I kept myself moving almost the whole time. Plus I read up on some more E3 stuff and talked to Andy (who admitted to having a 'geeky' song) about games and shit. I also avoided Nick like the Plague. Now, I'd like to think of myself as a kind person, but Nick is dumb as Hell. I mean, sure he has down syndrome and all, but he is dumb as Hell! And if you think that makes me a bad person... Fuck you. So, after nine hours of work, the building Supervisor Theresa was seconds away from asking me to stay later. So I ran away from her... I avoid confrontation... I went home and chilled out for the rest of the night. One thing I'd also like to ad is that because I had work so early, I did crack open an energy drink. Today's drink: A Fruit Punch Nos. It was good. Nothing special taste wise. I mean, it was a ncie juicy fruit punch. And, as to be expected from any Nos, there was a shit tone of Caffiene in it to keep me going. However, hours later the effect of the caffien wearing off was felt. Oh was it felt...

And now onto today. ZOOM! Today, I started work at 2, instead of 12:30. I've started at 12:30 on Sunday almost since I started, so I got to sleep in a little. I didn't get as much reading as I wanted to. I reserved a few cds from the library... That is all.

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