Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Now, this blog was started off as a 'dairy' of sorts, in order for me to write about my day, as well as write it in an interesting enough manner that anybody like me could, pick up, read through easily, and hopefully draw humor from. For the most part, I believe a decent job despite the fact that my blog is an incredible pile of shit. But, I'm sorta at this point where I'm almost tempted to ditch it. I like writing, and I think the informal nature of my blog gives me a nice writing fix that I really don't have to think much into... I can just do. Don't think, do! However, with my schedule, I write about 2 blogs a week. Considering I've done a blog just about everyday (prior to maybe the past month or so), 2 a week is a vast decline. And I'm the type of person who believe 'It's all or nothing'... No half-assed bullshit! So, with the state of it now, half-assed would almost be a compliment!

Take for instance, the fact that, if you've read any of my posts thus far, you usually get a nice rough outline of my day, with the important bits being more prevalent. But now, you don't know shit about my life! Which is altogether counter intuitive because the busier I am, the more shit that's actually going on in my [boring ass] life!


What do you think? Should I scrap this thing while I'm 'ahead'?
(yes, I realize the fact that all of...1 person will respond to this, sooooo... Tell your friends!!!)


KIWI! said...

iv'e been kinda feeling the same way with the whole, the busier i am, the less time i have to blog, but the busier i am the more interesting the blog would be..... and everytime it looks like i'm gonna be caught up, something comes up the delays me another week. i'm goin with keep on truckin. even if your blog doesnt appeal to the commen folk, i still read it and enjoy getting the small updates on your life, cuz the busier your are, the less time we gots to chill.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kiwi.

Anonymous said...

Blog relevance. Dont quit, but dont force it!
