Monday, February 15, 2010

And It Goes On And On

Word up fam. I'm in studio and it's now 4 in the morning. I'm reasonably sleepy, but more than that I'm tired. I'm tired in the sense that I'm just... blah. I just wanna rest up, and do what I wanna do. I'm getting super sick of running around all over the damn place. Work involves too much work...

Beyond my little rants regarding school and loneliness, there's a few highlights and tidbits.

1. Google Chrome, Google Chrome, Google Chrome. It pwns the shit out of IE! It looks a Hell of a lot nicer (less clutter, more artsy and pleasing to the eyes) it's easy to use (basic controls and functionality) there's amusing text (stats for nerds) and you can open up incognito windows which don't appear in your browser history (GREAT for porn). Overall, I find it a lot more pleasing than IE, and am glad I made the switch.

2. I have FINALLY beat Half-Life. No it has not eluded me for years as though it may sound. I actually just bought it a few short months ago (sad for someone who has been gaming his whole life I know). You see, my old computer was not at all capable to do...well... anything. So long story as well as load times later, I got a new computer and have to catch myself up on big name PC games (in no way would I bastardize games like Half-Life on console. And I'm a console gamer!). It was a great game. Fun, engaging, and way ahead of it's time. Granted, it pissed me off a few times here and there, and some things were just laughable by today's standards, it was still fantastic. You just really don't get that level of design and gameplay in most modern games ESPECIALLY first person shooters. I'm now looking forward to picking up that good 'ol Orange Box and continuing on with the series. Ah, one more thing. I was quite disappointed I had to dl Steam to even play the game. Now, Steam is a pretty solid program, and I like the look etc. etc., but I really did not want it... I'm not a big pc gamer, and don't want to be associated as such. Maybe it's just one of those hates with little ground, but whatever... Shit happens (see title :) )

3. Superman/Batman: Public enemies. I finally got around to watching it. It was okay. The graphic novel is better. Read it.

4. I'm watching a Captain America movie from 1990. It blows hard ass and makes me feel dirty that I'm still watching it.

I'm really getting bored writing now, so I'm just gonna end this here. Wish I was sleeping :)!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hey There Pilot

Wow... Blogging again. I know I say that every time I decide to take this thing off of the shelf, but that's the first thing that comes to my mind every time.

If you'd like to know what's going on in my life, you're out of luck... cuz I really don't know what's going on. My social life has sort of become like school. I feel like I'm a circus act balancing spinning plates in both arms, legs chest nose, and cock... And now I'm always afraid I'm going to drop something the second I forget it's there. It may be a poor analogy, but it works, I swear.

Lets start with school: Blah, blah, blah. Bitch bitch, bitch. I don't like college. Wa, wa, wa. Architecture forcibly shoves it's large penis in my ass. Woopty-fucking-doo. I've got some homework I'm neglecting right now...

Okay, moving on. My friends. They're all running around. Literally. Some are in school, some are dropping out of school, some are sort of half in/ half out of school, and others have nothing more than to play video games all day (mad jealous right now). Some I've been a dick to, some I've been caring to, and some I'm not quite sure. I've been seeing people change, and I've been seeing a lot of people claiming change. And we all seem to be in this emotional limbo right now. And I care for all of my friends, I do, but when I get into these deep, meaningful, or serious talks, there's really only one thing running through my head... me. It's like I want to help them all, but how will it improve myself, or my situation in life. Am I so wrong for doing it? I mean, yeah, I don't slip shit in there at the expense of others... but my interests are quite important to me. Why can't I ask for nudes from the women I've known for years and who have come to trust me? I just wanna see them naked, that's all. And yes, I'll be honest, I'd probably use the pictures in my own time to get all horned up, shoot one off, and relax a bit... I still pay attention to them, and try working through any issues they might have, but I'm miserably lonely...

And I'm not the only one who really feels this way either. You see, my architecture buddies (who I've been drinking with as of late (I'm drinking right now) which, as you may know, I don't do much of... well, before a few days ago... never have). all have girlfriends, and while we were hanging out, expressed such relief that they had someone... It was someone they could count on to be there because, having so much work for archy, they haven't the time to worry about meeting anyone... And i agree. That's what I want. that's all I've ever wanted. I'm looking for someone who I can honestly call 'my best friend'. Someone, who I'm not together with for just something physical, or someone who just makes good conversation, or someone I can just be silly and cute around, but someone who I can be myself around and do everything from the physical to the emotional. I'm looking for a woman where dating isn't a big deal... it just is. I need someone who finds the day-to-day alright. Who will settle with hanging out with people at times, and at others just curling up together and being lazy. Sadly, I've been drawing nearer to the conclusion that this person doesn't exist... and the closest thing I've got to that... well, lets just say that has many small issues with it... but I could talk about aspects of that for days, and I would likely not be any closer to anything real... so I won't. Plus, I'm trying not to be super hypocritical about that situation... I'm now in the 'watch what you do, watch what you say' boat. Why? Because things are serious!

I swear I'm too horny for my own good... As a single man, I'm a menace to society.